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What to get in QLD

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G'day guys,

Long time no see, its been well over a year for those who remember me, and I'm now up in QLD in a little town called Gatton half way between Ipswich and Toowoomba. Studying wildlife up here at UQ, but am lacking in fish!

So, currently I'm running a 5'x18"x18" with 5 Placidochromis phenochilus and am looking for something else to put in there. I have no idea who's breeding what up here and where they are, so I guess I'm really looking for some breeders in SE queensland, totally clueless at the moment.

As far as what I want to go in there, either E. Yellows OR some sort of Julidochromis sp., I'm keen on the J. ornatus and J. regani types. Also wouldn't mind some leptos in there, doesn't have to be rare but I like good quality stuff. What's common these days? I'm a little out of touch.

The other tank I wanna set up is a 4'x18"x20" which I want to put some SA dwarfs in. I'm looking for advice on which species are suitable, I doubt I'll have much success with anything truly blackwater, and my fishy partner in crime is keen on pumping it full of CO2 and growing some plants in there, so that would have to be a consideration as well. I'm going to mix it up a bit with some tetras or something, and although I accept that cichlids will be cichlids and I'll lose a few, I'd rather a fish that won't gleefully massacre the living somewhat dimwitted eyecandy I want to throw in there.

Anyway, if anyone wants to offer some advice or perhaps is a breeder up in qld or knows of good shops and/or breeders in SE QLD, I'll be very grateful smile.gif

Cheers in advance,


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Hello there fellow QLD'er and UQ student bigsmile.gif

For breeders and general classifieds up here, www.qldcichlid.com is a good place to start. The sponsors there have a fair range of livestock and for your tetras - Aquarium Warehouse have a year-long $20 deal on a few species of tetras (ie 20 rummynose for $20).

[Edit] Typo on the URL blush.gif

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Albino BNs are pick of the month at $3.50 for 2-3cms.

QCF Forum is your best bet (However I have found the trading to be a bit dead lately). But there is another forum..........

Additionally, there is the Auction I'm not sure when the next one is. It's at Clayfield (Brisbane City). It's very much a buyers market with a fairly good range going through. And distance isn't an excuse, we have people from FNQ and CQ attending (16hrs++ round trip)

Cheers Mitch

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hey mark

i am one of the central queensland fish nuts, the "Andrew" guy on the qld forum is "fishtraderlau" personally seen his set up of 100+ tanks, he had some regani, and transcriptus, last i saw, but heaps of malawans mostly, he is a great guy to deal with and passes through the towoomba area on his many fish trips to brisbane.

if you are after leptos i have about 10 at 4cm they are malasas, not sure of sexes as yet. but have a few other tangs if you are interested. see breeders register on here or on the qld site. good luck, with teh wildlife thing it is very rewarding, personnaly looked after maybe 50+ skippies, possums etc.,

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G'day guys,

Thanks for the pm's, much appreciated.

I guess what I was thinking about the CO2 and plant thing was if i got something a little bigger than an appisto then I would want to make sure the plants would be safe smile.gif.

Another UQ student? Gatton or are in you in St. Lucia? As far as the fluffies go, I guess that is what I'm studying, but not much caring going on, mostly a bit of handling behaviour and phylogeny so far, and I actually want to get into avian research at the end of it, we'll see how it pans out. I thought about going the fish route, but the thought of trudging around waist deep in mud somewhere all day didn't appeal to me :D. Although I've done enough trudging just trapping and tagging mice at the wildlife enclosure in Gatton.

I headed over to the QLD forum, waiting for my account to be approved I guess..... Thanks for the tip.

We don't happen to have any Biotodoma spp in Australia do we? I'm way behind on the latest happenings.......

Thanks for your help guys!


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I'm a UQ student as well. (St Lucia)

Studied Bioinformatics. Just doing a semmester of Marine Science to have a bit of a break before honours. Mudflats are fun. I was waist deep last week.


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Hi Mark

I'm up in Brisbane. The pick of the LFS up here IMO are Wetpetz and Annerley Aquarium. Beenleigh Aquarium also has some rarer and good quality stock.

Dry goods, Ben at Age of Aquariums @ Browns Plains.

Have a chat to Malcolm at Wetpetz, he is a great help and can basically find anything that you may want.

If you are after some Julie Ornatus I have some for sale at a good size........


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Hi Mark

I'm a breeder on the Gold Coast, mainly malawis & cuckoo cats. I have a daughter attending USQ up in Toowoomba and make the trip up every now & then to see her. I have a breeders register listing on the Qld Cichlid Forum, so check it out & if I have anything you are after, you can arrange for me to bring it up, as I pass through Gatton. My next trip at this stage will be the last Sunday in April, I think it is the 30th April.

Cheers, Doug

email : anitajoy@bigpond.net.au

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