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house getting exterminated


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why turn off all the air pumps?

I would guess to prevent and floating pesticide from making it's way into the tanks through the air pump?

We had our house done a few weeks ago, all the guy did internally was spray liquid bug killer along all the skirting boards. If you are around when the inspector comes around you could ask nicely that he tries to avoid the fish tank area, or even just talk to him about it and your concerns as I'm sure you wouldn't be the first person to ask.

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Had to look twice then all I saw was

house getting exterminated
All I could think of was the old TV show Dr Who and the darlecks exterminate......exterminate LOL.gif Sorry..... Showing my age now blush.gif (Crawls back into my rocking chair under my blanky)

Getting back onto your topic if you cover your tank and shut off all the air pumps you might be okay but I would certainly talk to the company doing the extermination and ask what they reccomend aswell.



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Do you have any other kinds of tanks - like marine tanks??? If so they may have invertebrates in them like corals or shrimp etc and the sprays used specifically target inverts making inhabitants of these tanks especially susceptible to even low concentration exposure. Take extra care with these tanks - a cover over the tank etc may not be enough protection.

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