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Here one minute gone the next


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Well, I lost my dominant male and dominant breeding female foai today :(, they looked perfectly healthy before I went to work but got home and they had been killed by a spate of white spot in a very short amount of time. There could have been a number of things that caused it so it wasn't a mystery (new introduced fish, had white spot in another of my aquariums and my tap filter is due for a cleaning). It still sucks though. It just shows how violent white spot can be.


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Well these guys are/were going going to an Aquarium store in Adelaide who wants them. I have to decommision 1 tank because I just got a couple more tanks setup at school and have a colony of yellows (thanks to Mark). Unfortunately these fish are currently in the same tank as the foai (separated) so it set things back a little. My next challenge will be trying to get my kids (class) to become engauged in learing about these fish and the science that is involved.


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My next challenge will be trying to get my kids to become engauged in learing about these fish and the science that is involved.


Very sorry to hear about your loss... sad.gif

Im trying to teach my brother about all the stuff, (im in yr 12 and running out of spare time)...its kinda difficult sicne you cant teach them "experience"

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I lost 2 more adults and 3 youngsters overnight :(. Got to dash out to the LFS now to grab some protozin. The med I was using just isn't doing the job (promethusol).


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Another adult gone as well as two more babies and a BN :(. The medication is starting to work and the problem is slowly going (i hope). This leaves me with 4 adults 1 male and 3 females. I'm lucky it didn't kill my other male.


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Just reading through this I was wondering what med. you were using for the white spot? I ask because you say you've lost BN now too. BN are sensitive to a lot of medications. From memory it has something to do with having soft (i.e. more permeable) bellies but my memory of this is getting hazy. I would also raise the water temp. to 30 degrees for a little while as Ich is killed by higher temps. I use to do this as a mandatory precaution when I introduced new fish because, while also killing any ich it also helps boost the immune system.

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