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Filter racket.


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Out of curiousity, I put my ear against my 6x2x2 and far out man! ITS LOUD!

Do the fish hear that? I can hear the filters going at it, and the air bubbles in the water.

Otherwise if you sit in front of the tank, no noise at all. A very quiet low hum thats all.

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Well I just checked my 4x2 in the lounge & it's the same.

Hope you're happy, my wife thinks I'm nuts now!

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Do they have ears? My fish don't. LOL.giftongue.gif

I think you will find they feel the sound not hear it. So as long as you don't have a huge base going doff doff doff you should find they are fine.

I have a 4 footer next to my stereo. If I am watching a movie they tend to jump a bit when there is a lot of base during an explosion or something like that.

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fish don't have external "ears", but the do have the pretty much the same bones we do. Sounds travel much better underwater. Although they don't need an external "ear" and "ear-hole" to channel the dilute sounds that we hear in air, they do hear "vibrations" - which is essentially what sound is anyway.

have a look here:


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i used to worry about this till i got my pond -this thing is vibrating!! dry.gif but it doesnt bother the koi,mind you koi arnt the brightest of animals a bit like my mates bull terrier he used to bite electric fences for the fun of it shock.gif

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