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Beach sand in tanks


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Beach sand is too lite, IMHO, to be used in tanks. It will get sucked up into filters and screw up impellors in no time at all. It will also take along time to clear once it is added because it is so fine

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'Beach sand' can vary from very fine to coarse grit depending on the beach you get it from. Either way i don't use it any more because i thought the benefit from additional buffering didn't outweigh the long term wear and tear on equipment and glass. Of course there are some species that do require a sandy substrate.

Anyway all i did was rinse it thoroughly and pour it in (with the filter off!).

If i did decide to use sand again i don't think i would go to the trouble of collecting it. Apart from the fact that it's probably not technically legal, it would be easier just to buy a bag of pool filter sand for a few bucks. Less rinsing too since this stuff is pre-washed.

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I have beach sand in my 5ftr. it has fronts and yellows in it. I just poured the sand in while setting up the tank.Was left with some froth on the top of the water but just scooped it out. No probs.


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My 8x2x2 was all beach sand (quite a few raids to the beach [ninja Mat]). I looked long and hard to find the right stuff and what i came up with was a very coarse mixed silaceous/biogenic calcareous sand which looked awesome. I preped it with a freshwater soak and a few rinses to get rid of all the bugs and organic matter, then poured it in and filled the tank w' water.

easy as pi smile.gif


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I hae some sand that I got from Dingo in one tank and beach sand in others.

I find that the "Dingo" sand is looser in the tank and hence better for the fish in terms of rooting through etc.

The beach sand "sets" harder and is less pleasurable for the fish.

I think the other is the one they get from the pool shop??? - but don't quote me.


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