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Post your Peacock pics here


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Yeah check out that other topic mick, its got a fair few pics on it, my only other new pics scince then are...

Aulonocara mamelela ( m & F )

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Auloncara "Nkhata Bay" (sorry bout the crappy pic, these guys are still very new to the scene and i just wanted to snap a pic of that gobfull laugh.gif )

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Ive got some better snaps of the Nkhata Bay's now so il post some new ones up soon.

Mick, check out the pics of my lwanda on the other thread, he gets a bit of tetra bit but nothin else colour enhancing, sorry to be a party pooper but i just dont like the look of the egg spots on your fins or that the blue covers where the yellow "shoulder" should be. The sydeny cichlid page at one stage had a whole collection of pics on Lwanda's and how much they can vary but i could only find 2 pics when i had a look just then and they both appear to be Hai reef's dntknw.gif (distinguishable by the yellow edging extending through the caudal fin)

Cheers Andy thumbup.gif

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I was wondering the same thing but looked up some forums overseas and noticed that some of the specimens had egg spots on the bottom of their tales.

These spots are not visible normally but come up with the Flash. Im very sure that these fish came from a reputible breeder, but have wondered myself from time to time.

Im just about to sell these fish as well and try another Peacock.

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  • 3 months later...

Some very nice peacock's here! I picked up two of what I think are Aulonocara sp. "Lwanda" on the weekend. Can anyone tell me how you sex these guys? I noticed in one of the pics that females are all a brown colour. Is that the same with all peacocks? i.e. do only males have colour?


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I noticed in one of the pics that females are all a brown colour. Is that the same with all peacocks? i.e. do only males have colour?


Yes. Although, if you have a colony happenin, when/if you pull out the dominant male you will find a few girls that suddenly turn into boys. Although I did notice in my Eureka reds thats the girls had orange anal fins.

This is my dominant A. cobwe, the fish behind/under him is another boy but doesn't show any blue yet, you can tell by the eggs spots on the anal fin.

IPB Image

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This is my dominant A. cobwe, the fish behind/under him is another boy but doesn't show any blue yet, you can tell by the eggs spots on the anal fin.

IPB Image

Hang on, so both mine have colour, but I think only one has the egg spots on its anal fin, does that mean I have a male and a female or 2 males? Will post some pics up soon!


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Xzibit if they both have colour there more than likley 2 boys :thumb

Thanks phatoscarlover! Was getting a little confused :confused: there! Very nice peacocks btw as well! I love the orange colour in them, very eye catching!

Have any of your guys had experience mixing them with electric yellows as, they appear to be a bit agressive towards other fish currently in my tank. these include an eel tailed catfish, little abino and bronze cat.

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Have any of your guys had experience mixing them with electric yellows as, they appear to be a bit agressive towards other fish currently in my tank. these include an eel tailed catfish, little abino and bronze cat.

My peacocks and yellows get along well. A little bit of shaking here and there but no real fights.

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The Aulonocara sp. "Lwanda" should be around the 10 - 14 cm mark with the females being the smaller. Your Labidochromis caeruleus (Electric Yellows) will be around 9-10cm

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I would think they would be fine. I have a couple of yellows that are about 6cm and 2 of the peacocks are 10-12cm. If there are a few yellows they seem to look after themselves pretty well and the peacocks are generally not too aggressive.

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I think it's because the page isn't an image, it has to be the pic only and have a picture extension such as .jpg or .bmp


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