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Stripping females


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Hi guys,

I've got some females holding now, have been for about 6-7 days. They are close to spitting, what i wanted to know was whether i should strip them or is it a common thing to just place the girls into a fry saver and let nature take it's course? This seems to be the most logical way to do it, but can i get some info or tips off anyone to help me out i'd appreciate it.? thumbup.gif

Thanks James

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Hi James,

I used to strip alot of my fish. My advice to you is not do it. It will mess up their ability to hold their eggs in the long term. If you must strip, wait at least 16-18 days until you do.

The best thing to do is make a 4L ice ream tub fry saver and let the fish spit in there. Sometimes the female will have a go at the fry...

You win some you lose some...

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iv allways stripped my females. i usually wait 16 days till i strip them and i put the fry into a fry saver with a airstone. at this stage the eggs have developed slightly so they are eaiser to look after. i hav neaver waited for my females to spit on there own.

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I'm with mark. I always strip my females now. I used to let them spit on their own and I found that especially with my yellows they held to long and had only small batches. Since the first couple of batches I have stripped and never had any prob's with them holding again.

What I do is wet both hand before picking up the female. I roll her on her back and use a cotton tip (ear cleaner) to open her mouth. I hold her vertical with her head just in the water and the babies slide out.

I try and not hold her for to long, so a stripping could be spread out over a day or so, so she doesn't stress to much.

Once stripped I leave her in a seperate fry saver for two days and feed her up.

I found that if I left them to long, after several mouthfuls they started to really suffer.

Anyway your decision, but IMO as long as you are gentle and take care of your girls when you strip, you are actually doing her a favour.



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Several reasons why I put here on her back. Firstly that is how I was shown so once I got the technique down pat I didn/t change. Secondly It allows you easy access to open her bottom jaw without putting to much stress on the fish.

I don't know of any other reason except it works best that way for me. confused.gif



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One other thing I forgot to mention, If you are stripping to ensure you get the most fry from the fish don't strip before 2 weeks and no longe than 3 weeks. That is of course unless you have an egg tumbler and are confidant using it. Personally I reduce my fry to about 1/3 if I strip to early.

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