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tropheus Tank Update


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Ok i have now gotten two lovely piles of rock work on each side of the tank in my 4x2x2, just received a new Canister filter from AOA and this will combine with my old Via Aqua 750, have also gotten rid of all the river sand in the tank and replaced with larger white rocks just covering the bottom, now gonna put in about 25 Duboisi is there anything else i should know, what other fish could go in with these fish? the PH is 9 and is consistant

any ideas?

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A Cyprichromis will get along well with them. As long as it is an open water non predatory cichlid you should be fine.

Is there something you have in mind?

What about lighting? You want to get the algae growth happening for the T’s to munch on. If you are going to put bristlenose in the tank be sure only to put one in or two males or better still a pleco. You don’t want your T’s eating Bristlenose fry.

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replaced with larger white rocks just covering the bottom

I'm not sure I understand this bit. How chunky/fine is the substrate.? I am imagining large gappy substrate that will trap faeces and food.

I would use lime sand or cruched coral or similar.

Andrea smile.gif

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i was thinking maybe some Juliachromis species?

i wasnt thinking of any BN at all actually , do the Tropheus like heaps of lighting?

The only problem I see with Juli's is they will want the rock piles for them selves.

The Tropheus aren't worried by light but they love the algae growth that lots of light gives them that. thumbup.gif

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Sweet thanks Ben, im thinking just maybe about 20 Duboisi and nothing else now, maybe they might even breed smile.gif

Or maybe get another colony of something else in the weeks ahead depending on how these other fish fair in my tank, i would hate for all of them to die at once

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Sweet thanks Ben, im thinking just maybe about 20 Duboisi and nothing else now, maybe they might even breed smile.gif

Or maybe get another colony of something else in the weeks ahead depending on how these other fish fair in my tank, i would hate for all of them to die at once

Once you get an established Tropheus colony you always want another followed by another. Don't forget to cycle your tank if you aren't already doing so.

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I wondered about cyps in a tropheus tank but I always came to the conclusion that they would have very different dietary requirements. Tropheus are vegetarian algae grazers and cyps are essentially carnivorous planktivores.

So whichever food you gave them it would be inappropriate for one of the species given that they are both opportunistic enough to pick up what ever is floating around the tank.

How did you get around this problem Ben?


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Hi Mat,

I don’t keep anything in with my adult Tropheus. I have been thinking about adding my Cyp Malasa to the tank but haven’t yet and the reason being is the Tropheus are feed NLS and the Cyps don’t really eat it. They do get a small amount of brine shrimp once or twice a week but not enough to keep the Malasa happy. However, I keep my juvenile Tropheus with my Kitumba and that tank is feed OSI Spirulina morning and frozen brine shrimp at night the same with my foai which is where my Malasa are currently.

In fact I don’t feed a great variety. The adult Ikola get NLS morning and night and some brine shrimp every now and then. The Cyps, foai, dewindti, juvenile Tropheus, demasoni and peacocks get OSI Spirulina in the morning and brine shrimp at night. All fry are feed OSI Spirulina powder and the bristlenose get OSI Algae wafers. Every now and then I will give the foai/malasa tank some NLS or Tetra bits but other than that that’s all they get. Sometimes everything gets OSI Spirulina and that’s it due to lack of time to feed them or I have run out of BS or NLS.

So to answer your question I don’t see and have never had a problem feeding OSI Spirulina exclusively to Tropheus or Cyps so there for i think they will get along fine and with a Spirulina and NLS diet with the odd feed of brine shrimp. I know many people who have or do keep Tropheus this way.

Cheers thumbup.gif

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Cool, ta.

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