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Stocking my tank


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I've got a 4' x 18" x 20" coming and am seeking some advice on my fish selection (so far). The plan is to have a lively and colourful display tank, males and females where females are coloured and males only for species with less colourful females. Ideally I want to try and get something happening all the way through the tank if possible.

The short list for the moment are:

Labidochromis caeruleus (Electric Yellow)

Labidochromis spec."Hongi"

Pseudotropheus saulosi

Aulonocara jacobfreibergi "Eureka"

Aulonocara spec. "Ruben Red" / "German Red" (I believe it's the same)

Otopharynx lithobates

Plus some form of catfish or two...

Is this a good mix, will I have problems with aggression? dntknw.gif

It will be filtered by an Eheim 2217 and 2213, which should turn the tank over about 5 times per hour (~270L). I was thinking of having a small group of the Labs and saulosi and probably males only of the others - are these good numbers? How many of each fish would be recommended?




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Is there likely to be dramas if the two of each Labidochromis or Aulonocara sp cross?

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Is there likely to be dramas if the two of each Labidochromis or Aulonocara sp cross?

Dramas in that they will cross? As they are in the same family i guess it could happen, but is it likely that the two labs (looking so different) are going to get mixed up?

And I'm only looking at keeping the males for the Aulonocara so i *should* be OK.

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Would a Protomela taeniolatus "Red Empress" be a good alternative to the Aulonocara jacobfreibergi "Eureka"? From my readings the "Red Empress" does get about 5cm bigger, but has a nice temperment.

Why next question would be - are all these fish readily available in Australia, particularly Sydney?

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After a little more reading and picture hunting I've found a few extras to add to the "must have" list (pending availability):

Placidochromis electra "Mandalawi"

Placidochromis phenochilus

Placidochromis spec."Blue Otter"

Sciaenochromis fryeri / Sciaenochromis fryeri "Iceberg"

Dimidiochromis compressiceps

These would all be kept as singular display males. How many could be comfortably housed in this tank - I was thinking 10 various males and then maybe a little group of the P saulosi (3 or 4???), totalling about 15 or 16 fish with catfish added. Is this too many or not enough?

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Lab hongi will like the Lab saulosi females. D comp will like most to have fun with and the rest you have been told, read a little more champ. If u what as display only I'm sure they will look great, Just your comment about the cross and dodgey fish to unsuspecting buyers should have your name checked on this forum. confused.gif

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I thought that as the saulosi and hongi were from a different scientific group they should be OK, or are you just referring to the hongi being a bully?

I know the D comp will probably be a trouble maker, it's one of those fish that I've wanted for years...

I've read tonnes, but no where really seems to say what fish are compatible with what, this is what I'm really struggling with - I don't want to lay out good money to find that fish A and fish B kill each other. Is there a website or reference somewhere that you can recommend?

Just your comment about the cross and dodgey fish  to unsuspecting buyers should have your name checked on this forum.    confused.gif

"Unsuspecting buyers" comment removed, I thought i made it obvious it was a joke dntknw.gif

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