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Red Devils on "Grey List"


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Hey all,

has having a chat to the local LFS owner today & he said just as there is a list of fish to possibly become elegable for import (like Frontosa just went through) there is also a list that they are considering to label noxious & therefore illegal to keep (think tilapia, pirahna etc), that list being nicknamed the "grey list".

I don't know if this is a QLD only thing or nation wide, has anyone heard of it? Apparently it may mean I'm supposed to freeze my beloved Red.

Thoughts? Input? Abuse?



edit: crap, I said kinda said ATM machine blush.gif

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it wouldnt suprise me. I had a fella from melbourne show me how he caught 5 or 6 red devils in a public dam that is heated by a powerstation. The name escapes me atm but if they can live down there, they could definately live up there.

Bit scary isnt it.


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i just scanned the document and my fear is that the government want to take a sledgehammer approach to a potential problem ,the only consideration is the possible buy back of more expensive species such as red tailed catfish ,shovelnose,birchir etc but how much is my rd worth as a family pet? we all (or should) agree that apart from tilapia most of these fish have found there way into our waterways through irresponsable or mis- informed people deliberatly releasing them , aquarium fish cant escape! why could not all the lfs get together and start a scheme whereby unwanted fish can be taken to the shop and then destroyed humanely? this would alleviate the need for the government to take such a heavy handed attitude and the lfs would show that it is taking a responsable approach to this issue and that govenment intervention is unnecessary,this (or something similar) should be done sooner rather than later. the majority of fishkeepers like everyone on this forum are aware and informed people doing the right thing by putting unwanted or unsellable fish in the freezer but a few idiots are putting the whole hobby in jeopardy

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Well the way i was told was that if they made the red devils (and alot of other americans) noxious that the fish we have we are allowed to keep but not allowed to raise any fry or sell the fish we currently own.

Red Devils have been found in Coffs Creek at Coffs Harbour.

Also believed to be in Hinze Dam (Gold Coast water supply) and another creek in Cairns

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Well the way i was told was that if they made the red devils (and alot of other americans) noxious that the fish we have we are allowed to keep but not allowed to raise any fry or sell the fish we currently own.

There is nothing in the proposal about being able to do that, from what i can see.

Now that doesn't mean that someone hasn't put a proposal in to add that.

Time will tell

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it wouldnt suprise me. I had a fella from melbourne show me how he caught 5 or 6 red devils in a public dam that is heated by a powerstation. The name escapes me atm but if they can live down there, they could definately live up there.

That would be the Hazelwood pondage

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Well they havn't been legal in SA for quite some time now and I would consider them a greater threat in all other states (Except tazzie), so it wouldn't surprise me. I think it should be the other way around to be honest.


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