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others with acei, frontosa etc


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i was just wondering what could i have in my 4.2.2 with 4 acei 2 frotosa and a few little e yellows , i was thinking something like angelfish mabye but then there fins might get nipped , mabye a few silver dollars something nice so the tank looks peaceful and calm any help would be great

cheers brendon

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What sort of acei ?? and sorry mate don't even think of adding the poor cryblow.gif Angels. Fron's, will distroy shock.gif them. Try some Labs or Peacocks, Haps, Placidochromis Gold Mbamba Bay?? Nice coloured perlmutts would add some nice colour. Good luck John

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ok im not to sure about the acei , there black with yellow tails i cant remember the name , but all i have in the tank now are 2 frontosa and 4 acei , what else would be good in there and wouldnt harm or get attacked by them ? something blue mabye , nice colours and that grows to a decent size

cheers brendon

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so you have Pseudotropheus Acei and Frontosa in the same tank?

one an almost exclusive herbivore and the other an almost exclusive carnivore?

IMHO this is just asking for trouble. Malawi mbuna are incredibly sensitive to bloat from eating the high protein foods that frontosa's need to be happy.

apart from that, the best i can offer is other Tanganyikan species. perhaps A calvus or A compressiceps? at least something that is a carnivore like the fronts

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Yea, i would put some cobalts or red zebras in there for some more colour and maybe another 2 fronts. Also a rarer gibby would be a wise addition while the fish are still small.

thanks ryan

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