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I got nothing.....


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Hey all. I have been waiting and waiting for some breeding activity in my 4 foot tank but nothing seems to be happening in there.

The setup:

* tank size- 120cm x 60 cm x 45cm

* Fish- 1 male 2 female sualosi's, 1 male 4 female cuckoo catfish, 1 male 4 female e blues.

* PH is about 7.4 at the moment.

Can anyone give me advice? Too crowded? dntknw.gif

Thanks guys

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I reckon its the cuckoos mate, I had a big peacock colony (very regular breeders)stop spawning after I introduced 5 of the syno's, and they haven't spawned now for months. The trick with cuckoos is to swap hosts around as even the dumbest fish wise up to their antics sooner or later. HTH thumb.gif

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To get my blues going I slowly kept bringing the PH up till it got around 8 and feed cichlid pellets and brine shrimp and algae biscuts and after two weeks it was on like donkey kong wink2.gif . I also found my male needed his own flowerpot to spawn in and he also deepend his normal cave.

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Thanks guys. Mike, i finally got my cool room panels for my fish room today, so when i get the funds i will get more tanks thumbup.gif Ill just keep waiting and split the sualosi from e blues (when i get new tanks) then swap cuckoo's around every now and then. How does that sounds

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