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help - losing fish

Dusty Miller

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As the topic say's I am losing fish cryblow.gif as we lost power to the fish room last night hence no air in the tanks and I have lost quite a few fry so far from one tank and other tanks fish are gasping for air.

Power is back on so:- confused.gif

I have done a 50% water change on what appears to be the affected tanks (about 10 tanks from 3 to 5 foot)and added some tri start water conditioner and the fish seem to be settling down. The other 10 tanks seem to be fine, should I leave these tanks alone. What steps do I need to take next.


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Get a whole heap of oxygen into the tanks using airpumps and airstones. create as much surface agitation as possible and maybe lower the temps a bit if they are too high. do not feed until they are better.

good work on the water change. :)

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Get a whole heap of oxygen into the tanks using airpumps and airstones. create as much surface agitation as possible and maybe lower the temps a bit if they are too high. do not feed until they are better.

good work on the water change. smile.gif

Thanks novafishy thumb.gif , I lost about 100 fish but it looks like they are starting to settle down now. Checked all tanks for ammonia and most have none or very little (.25 ppm) so I'll do a few water changes over the next few days and I hope that it doesn't happen again.


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Thanks Colfish,

I have already started to clean all filters and the fish seem to be getting back to their normal activities, so thanks for the advice thumbup.gif . Its all a learning curve for me still and I think I was lucky not to lose all my fish, so mate it could have been worse.


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You didn't mention how long the blackout lasted? At Menai, on Sunday night we had a blackout for six and a half hours! The longest power stoppage in the ....10 or so years I've lived there. blink.gif Which is still nothing compared to what happens for example out west.

I lost not a single fish, and one of my 4' grow out tanks has HUNDREDS of fish (maingano, demasoni, flavis, cobwe, cobalts, yellows even some Tropheus) in it. thumbup.gif

I use UPS with a large back-up battery, and bought a 600 watt generator ($144.00) which I hooked up to all my filters and pumps that were not covered by the UPS.

Didn't get much sleep that night, but I had other priorities at the time. Maybe instead of learning more about how to recover from a blackout, you should investigate ways so power stays on your tanks during a blackout? wink2.gif

Thank goodness I bought the generator wub.gif .


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Hi Craig,

I don't know how long the power was actually out for as it was only the fish room that went down over night as the room is powered up separately to the rest of the house to avoid overloading and it was not discovered until feeding time at around 7.00 am so could of been up to 9 hours.

I only lost fish in 2 tanks (both 5 X18x18) which were both stocked with about 100 albino BN each and about the same in Lionheads-Steatocranus casuarius to which I lost almost all of the Lionheads and a few tumblers of mangainos and E Yellows.

Some of the other tanks seemed to be a little sluggish but after a water change and some extra air they came around quickly and then I had tanks that didn't even look like they had a problem.

I do have a generator for power cuts but I was blissfully asleep with power on in the room so WILL have to look into a power backup system for the future.

Cheers and thanks for the input.

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You didn't mention how long the blackout lasted?  At Menai, on Sunday night we had a blackout for six and a half hours!  The longest power stoppage in the ....10 or so years I've lived there. blink.gif  Which is still nothing compared to what happens for example out west.

I lost not a single fish, and one of my 4' grow out tanks has HUNDREDS of fish (maingano, demasoni, flavis, cobwe, cobalts, yellows even some Tropheus) in it. thumbup.gif

I use UPS with a large back-up battery, and bought a 600 watt generator ($144.00) which I hooked up to all my filters and pumps that were not covered by the UPS.

Didn't get much sleep that night, but I had other priorities at the time.  Maybe instead of learning more about how to recover from a blackout, you should investigate ways so power stays on your tanks during a blackout? wink2.gif

Thank goodness I bought the generator wub.gif .



So did you lose sleep over the fishroom being without mains, despite UPS etc? Or was everything covered?

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