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lion heads dieing


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hi all i have a a tank full of lion heads about 1-2cm lost 3 yesterday 6 today they have stopped eating no sign of disease nothing i have got no idea what to do i think ill buy some multicure tommora they are fed on spirulana flakes and 1 cube of brinesrimp a day the only thing i can think of is bloat but can they get bloat confused.gif.also i done a 25%water change yesterday didnt seem to help though. any suggestions would be great.

thanks lee

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What sort of filtration do you have. These need high oxygen levels. If you don't have some air going in put a couple of air stones going ASAP. A hang on back type of filter is also best as it creates surface turbulance that increases oxygen levels in the water.

hi all i have a a tank full of lion heads about 1-2cm  lost 3 yesterday 6 today they have stopped eating no sign of disease nothing i have got no idea what to do i think ill buy te ce multicure tommora they are fed on spirulana flakes and 1 cube of brinesrimp a day  the only thing i can think of is bloat but can they get bloat confused.gif.also i done a 25%water change yesterday didnt seem to help though. any suggestions would be great.

thanks lee

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its a 2and half foot tank and about 1and a half wide its got a aquapro1200 and a 400powerhead theres no way its that. thanks anyway though can any body help


if the power head and the filter return are below the water surface in the tank,

they're not dispersing the co2.

these fish require oxygen in abundance, haven't you lost enough too at least try what ppl suggest. you're asking for help, then turn around and say 'there's no way its that" maybe you know what the problem is, you're just trying us out

imo, the aqua pro 1200 is total overkill in that size tank, and for juvies that small, maybe the poor little buggars are exhausted from trying to hold on agaist the current.

hope you sort the problem out; C

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You know the old saying Col - "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink" thumbup.gif

its a 2and half foot tank and about 1and a half wide its got a aquapro1200 and a 400powerhead theres no way its that. thanks anyway though can any body help


if the power head and the filter return are below the water surface in the tank,

they're not dispersing the co2.

these fish require oxygen in abundance, haven't you lost enough too at least try what ppl suggest. you're asking for help, then turn around and say 'there's no way its that" maybe you know what the problem is, you're just trying us out

imo, the aqua pro 1200 is total overkill in that size tank, and for juvies that small, maybe the poor little buggars are exhausted from trying to hold on agaist the current.

hope you sort the problem out; C


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You know the old saying Col - "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink"    thumbup.gif

its a 2and half foot tank and about 1and a half wide its got a aquapro1200 and a 400powerhead theres no way its that. thanks anyway though can any body help


if the power head and the filter return are below the water surface in the tank,

they're not dispersing the co2.

these fish require oxygen in abundance, haven't you lost enough too at least try what ppl suggest. you're asking for help, then turn around and say 'there's no way its that" maybe you know what the problem is, you're just trying us out

imo, the aqua pro 1200 is total overkill in that size tank, and for juvies that small, maybe the poor little buggars are exhausted from trying to hold on agaist the current.

hope you sort the problem out; C


the filter return is above the water mate there should be enough oxygen being dispersed ill take your advice turn of the powerhead.anyway i've started feeding them different stuff to try and give them more protein i think that maybe the problem what do u guys think confused.gif they seem to be dropping of like flys theres about 20 left maybe not that many (i started with 70). I wouldn't bother trying to pull your leg guys.I also use rift lake buffer so all the water parameters should be ok i checked the ph it was fine. i appreciate all the help any thing else you can suggest i'm all ears

thanks Lee

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Using rift lake buffers may be making the conditions undesirable. These guys are a riveine species and perhaps the water parameters don't favour.

Andrea smile.gif

PS>any chance you are throwing the buffer into the tank undissolved?

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Just beat me to it. I didn't know until the last post that Lee was using buffer. What is the pH. It should be around the 7.5 mark

Using rift lake buffers may be making the conditions undesirable. These guys are a riveine species and perhaps the water parameters don't favour.

Andrea smile.gif

PS>any chance you are throwing the buffer into the tank undissolved?

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when i do water changes i dissolve the buffer in the bucket and add the water ager at the same time with water and then it goes into the tank its around 7.6 to 7.8 at the moment. when they had the fry it was 8.0 ill try and lower it to say between 7.4 to 7.6 what do u think?half of them are eating now the other half dont look so crash hot so you guys dont think it was what i was feeding them?do you think its the ph?ill do the ph and see how it goes then thanks for all the help

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Adjust the pH as slowly as possible. Quick pH change is also a mjor problem.

when i do water changes i dissolve the buffer in the bucket and add the water ager at the same time with water and then it goes into the tank its around 7.6 to 7.8 at the moment. when they had the fry it was 8.0 ill try and lower it to say between 7.4 to 7.6 what do u think?half of them are eating now the other half dont look so crash hot so you guys dont think it was what i was feeding them?do you think its the ph?ill do the ph and see how it goes then thanks for all the help

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could it have been some hot weather? Has the water temp fluctuated?

Have you tested nitrite/nitrate levels?

I have mine in a buffered tank with no probs (pH 8.0).

Changing to high protein diet is not a good idea IMO, since these guys are herbivores. I found out the hard way with a case of bloat.



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could it have been some hot weather? Has the water temp fluctuated?

Have you tested nitrite/nitrate levels?

I have mine in a buffered tank with no probs (pH 8.0).

Changing to high protein diet is not a good idea IMO, since these guys are herbivores. I found out the hard way with a case of bloat.

I went and checked them out and I thought It may have been bloat. The were swimming almost virticaly in the corners just like I have witnest Tropheus with this intestinal disease. However they didn't appear bloated or have stringy white feces. Not to say Its not bloat. I've never keeped them and had no idea they were herbivores. If this is true I think you may have hit the nail on the head Oakes


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i agree with everything you said oakes as my lion heads breed in 8.0 and the adults are currently in my other tank with a ph of about 8.0 and lookin at breeding again i wanna get them out before she lays. the temp has changed over the past month its gotten a bit cooler and because these guys are in the shed it effects them easy but it was hotter about a month ago max temp was 34-36 it was only that hot about four times now its 28-30. havent checked the nitrate levels but i think its bloat definatly because they have been gettin a lot more brineshrimp than usually because i didnt take into account that id got ride of 30. they were over feed on the brinsrimp i used to give them a cube should have cut it to half a cube didnt think of that till now. there on crushed pellet and crushed flake mixed up now they seem to be recovering a bit .there in a tank full of multi cure now so should be able to save ten or so.

thanks to everyone for your help im very greatful

cheers Lee thumbup.gif

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