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What temperature for Dwarfs.


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I was prowling on another site and in a post a it was claimed that an Apisto breeder was reccomending that dwarfs be kept at 23 degrees.

This seems contrary to Romers book and too low to me. What do you keep yours at? and what do you reckon of 23 degrees.


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WAY too cold....

We breed many of our apistogramma at 27-28degrees C. The farms in South East Asia that breed these by the thousands every month just have these fish breeding at room temperature, which is between 26-28degrees C, all year round.

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I keep mine targeted at 25.5 degrees. This seems a good mid-range temperature after reading of the different natural environment temperatures of the different apisto's I keep.

I too thought 23 degrees seemed too low.


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It depends a lot on the species really, a good average is 26C but some species are from more open savannah environments where the water gets alot of sun and is regularly 28C+ Blue Rams are a good example of this, and there are a lot of Apistos that live in similar waters. Some like the A. baenschi are from a more sheltered environment eg: less direct sun and so prefer 25 - 26C either way 23 would be too cold to keep them in all the time.


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23 is definately too low and although they will probably survive alright I doubt very much they would breed at that temp.

I keep most of my dwarfs around 26 for most of the year, some of the tanks I raise the temp a couple of degrees when I have young fry and find the survival rate better!

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