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The king has been dethroned


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Well my big male foai magara , has finally been beeten down by his son..

This little tif has been brewing for a bit but dad has always ruled very easily Today I watched as the younster while taking a few big hits never backed down, both fish are a bit tatty as you can expect, it raged on for about 3 hours! Dad is fairly shagged , even the females are pushing him abouts now, but he is eating well still. and has a place to rest.

the young winner has now claimed rule over the substantial pile of sand at one end.

I might get some more sand and see if dad will recover from his loss...

It ws pretty hardcore to watch, they were very determined

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Well my big male foai magara , has finally been beeten down by his son..

I might get some more sand and see if dad will recover from his loss...

hey Mike

i wouldn't temp fate, you just might be signing the old fella's death warrant.

this is how the strongest rule.

cheers; C

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LOL.gif i used to have a male salousi that was a prolific breeder and was in a 6x2x2 at the time so all his male offspring would grow in the tank with him and once they reached maturity hed give them hell.then one day one young challenger bested him.whether it was old age creeping in or the youngsters own will to claim a territory ill never know.it was a great fight though.dad lived and is now retired and goldenboy junior (as named by my wife) last i heard was giving some fish hell somewhere out blue mountains way.
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Well the king is not dead...just.moved to the other end

all seems to be well with him today he is chasing the other subdominant males about trying to claim a spot amongst the rocks, he has made an attempt at rebuilding a nest, but most of th etank is cleard glass now, I will give him time.

the boy has repaired the nest that was a bit flattened by the action yesterday, and as youngsters do is a bit too gung ho about attracting one of the fems kinda chases them instead of showing off, dad still has this down better than he does.

As for breeding with his mum...good luck to him, i think she might be getting on a bit, hasnt done much in nearly 2 years, i think 2 spawns., there is only two females in the tank, mum and his sister, so not a lot of choice

.......Does anyone have any female magaras for sale?.......

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I really don't like the damage they can do to each other. They look horrible and take so long to recover. cryblow.gif

I once had 6 or so excess males. Had to give them away as they were forever jaw locking. angry.gif

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Well luckily there was no lock jaw,,this usally ends up with both fish looking nasty

they more or less just swam at each other doing straifing runs so to speak, and the tight circle thing, constantly bighting and smashing each other. I think the youngster was able to out manouver dad which is why he got in more hits, but everytime dad got him he swam away for a bit 15cm fish verses a 13cm fish. dad did drive him into the glass a good one but.

damage is a few missing scales and tatty fins. disrupted tank for a bit

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