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A christyi


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Firsty, this is easily my favourite African cichlid. Their size and behaviour more them makes up for their lack of colour. I'm not too sure of too many people keeping these fish, but I'm sure there would be more then a handful. Even though they didn't gain the popularity that some of the bucco's and caeruleus they are still more then a great fish.

I have a few questions. For anyone who can help me out.

I have a small group of 4. With one obvious male that has far outgrown the rest probbaly measuring in at about 20-22cm. Still only very young. The other 3 are all around the 12-14cm mark. I would assume that the other 3 are females, however 2 of the other 3 fish have a few specs of blue coming in on the face - that has got me not to sure. I know a few of my e-blue ladies could fool even a few experts into believing that they are just submissive males. So my question is how much colour do the females develope? can they develope a bit of blue on the face like e-blue females or are my other 2 more then likely just a couple young fellas?

Secondly - How large do these fish grow? I have read reports that they get anywhere from 30-45cm? my big boy is 20ish cms and sowing no signs of slowing down. Which is great for me because I love my big fish!

here is a pic of my big guy a few months back at about 12cm. Grown alot since then, both in size and attitude! (always liked this pic, almost looks like it was taken in the lake)

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Happy fish keeping -

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I would love to see this fish reach 40cm. Would be happy with a solid 30cm. The bigger the better. That pic was taken at a much smaller size. He is sporting alot more colour these days.

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G'day Alex

i have a quad of these guys in a 6*2*2

i have two males, 1 is about 20cm and almost full colour. and the other is about 15cm and has a completly blue head.

the other two i have are 9cm and 11cm. and neather of these have colour. (fingers crossed they are females.

these guys can be really hard to sex as the males dont get long anal fins or any colour for a while.

i have read that these guys get to 30-35cm

i hope this helps?


p.s. i know these are you favorite fish, but if you ever sell call me!!!!! thumbup.gifLOL.gifLOL.gifwink2.gif

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Same goes to you boyd, if you decide to sell I would be more then happy to add them to my group.

My male has alot of blue on the face, ut not a completely blue head, but has ALOT of shine coming through on the body.

Ihope my smaller ones are females but they do have a few blue specs on the face.

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