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Few pics


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A few pics I took tonight.

Check out the cobwe boy at the bottom. I put him in an all male tank and he immediately lost the black from his body but retained the yellow blink.gif . I'll add an old pic under him to show the difference.

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I think your Cobwe male has lost all his confidence. bigsmile.gif

I have always liked the T. chilumba but I think the M. sp. "Msobo" is absolutely beautiful. The contrast between the male and the yellow/orange, depending on whose fish LOL.gif, of the female would be excellent.

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No lights on the tanks, just room flouros and the camera flash.

Only adjustments made was cropping to neaten up and a bit of sharpening in PS as I set the sharpening in-camera to low. Post processing sharpening works better I reckon.

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