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Wood leaching CO2


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Is it possible for wood to leach CO2 into a tank that has no CO2, if it came out of a tank with heavy saturation levels?

Mum bought a well established anubis on a piece of wood last weekend and put it in her established planted tank. Since then the PH has dropped to 3.8 and we are having trouble getting it back up. We have done water changes and tried PH up buffer, but within a few hours it has dropped again. confused.gif

Any suggestions? I've never had this much trouble getting PH to stablise. dntknw.gif Also this is the first time I have had dealings with an established plant on wood that has come from a LFS.

Cheers, Cassandra.

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its more likely that the wood is leaching tannin (an acid) into the water , maybe take it out and put it into a bucket of de chlorinated tap water and see if it lowers the ph , then try and correct the ph in the tank,or try keeping neon tetras!

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its more likely that the wood is leaching tannin (an acid) into the water

I have wood leaching in a couple of my tanks and I've not got a PH problem. The water is not discoloured in this tank though.

I have taken the wood out and it is soaking, I've also done a water change. I was just wondering if it was possible.

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