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A few L's

MikeWs Fish

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No... unfortunatley cryblow.gif L333 is L333 and L046 is a zebra pleco. L333 has a zebra pattern but L046 is Hypancistrus zebra (synonym: zebra pleco)

If you like zebra fish check out L066, L316, L260, LDA70 just to name a few. All much cheaper than the zebra pleco.

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Awesome Mike, that is quite a catfish collection clap.gif . Love the L018s, I've only ever seen one in the flesh and it wasnt nearly as nice as yours.

Just one Q what is the difference between the 204 pictured and the 104 (Panaque/Panaqolus maccus)? They look the same to me. huh.gif

(cool 168 too smile.gif )


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Differnce is L204 is black and L104 is more brown

L204 has a nicer tail than L104 (not clear from that photo - but it's kind of like a long pointy fork)

L204 has more yellow stipes instead of faded squiggles.

Overall contast is much greater between colours.

L204 is a much nicer fish IMO.

L204 is more $exp than L104

L204 grows much larger than L104


They are from the same genus - Panaqolus.

They both like wood.

My photo doesn't do it any justice, especially on a black background. It would look spectacular on white gravel, as there would be heaps of contrast between the black and the white.

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