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Tankbusters *LOAD WARNING*


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As my other thread has started to become a bit blocked up. I'll post a series of tankbuster pics here. If anyone has their own tankbuster pics please feel free to add them here (no jack russels are not considered a tankbuster!!!). Tankbusters aren't the biggest craze in Aus, but quickly are gaining popularity.

here are some of mine past and present -

85cm Red tailed catfish:

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5cm Electric catfish, picture taken sometime ago. Fish is now roughly 35cm and can pack a punch!

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Tiger shovelnose. Roughly 10cm in the first pic. This fish grew to over 3 feet in length before it jumped out of the tank, very sad! and before anyone asks yes it was me who ate it. This is not a fish suited for the home aquarium. My new house is currently under construction. The new houses plans contain a public aquarium sized fishtank/pond. Tankbuster paradise!

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Leiarius longibarbis; another big one. Had a large female grow to 27" and a few smaller ones still kicking around my tanks. Decorus in the first pic is 13" for reference.

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Senagal bichir + fry:

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more coming....

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Cichla monoculus, one of the males is 55cm. My favourite fish at the moment, getting spoiled rotten!

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Saxatalis spp pikes; female with eggs. Male is a little over 10".

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Silvers; from above.

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Petenia splendida - spawning dress

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dovii (male):

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Spotted gars, note the variable colouration (mmm tangerine zebra!):

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more coming...

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Fenestratum, this was was a good 30cm and easily the best fene ive seen. Now belongs to the member sutto.

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Group shot:

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Odd friends? ecat and royal pleco

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short finned aussie eel

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green arowana

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more petenia

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A future monster. Pic is a little old. A. christyi this guy is about 20cm now should max out at a littke over 30cm

****feel free to add your own tankbusters pics in this thread, would be good to get almost a small album going. Try give the tropheus nuts some competition****

more coming soon...

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OK, but they don't seem worthy against your collection blush.giflaugh.gif

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Also my next biggest, 8" blackbelt. Mean nasty fish, I'm bummed about the eye (had popeye, that's as good as it healed)

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How big was that oscar in that shot Nova? by the proportion of the eyes I'd say pretty big, if so great colour for an adult oscar!

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Ash it was just touching on 1 foot. it was my favourite fish for a loong time. He could recognise me coming from a mile away and would swim to the top of the tank ready for food. Very friendly guy - would even let me pat him. Thanks for the kind comments bigsmile.gif

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Haha! sounds like my RD! Funny thing is he would only let me pat him right, everyone else was a stranger. My little brother (18, exact same build as me) came over & Red let him pat him first go! Obviously we look the same underwater! LOL.gif

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Alex and others- absolutely beautiful giants you have there thumb.gif .

Hey Alex, how big is this monster indoor pond going to be? A stupid question but I'll ask anyway. Are you going to let outsiders view your new setup or just keep it to you and buds and rellos?

Thanks for the look, big fish are just beautiful brutes, with great personalities to match smile.gif .


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Alex and others- absolutely beautiful giants you have there  :thumb .

Hey Alex, how big is this monster indoor pond going to be? A stupid question but I'll ask anyway. Are you going to let outsiders view your new setup or just keep it to you and buds and rellos?

Thanks for the look, big fish are just beautiful brutes, with great personalities to match  :) .


it's a corner tank. the face that will be open for viewing (not doubling as a wall) will be 14' long.

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Very nice collection of fish you have there Alex.  May I ask what size tanks you have housing them?

All the tankbusters are in either a 8x3x2.5, (2) 8x2x2 or a 8x1.5x2.5 also have a series of 4x2's as grow outs.

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Great fish and impressive collection of tanks!

Biggest fish I currently own are a fully grown Bala Shark (~12 inches) and a juevenile Murray Cod (also ~12inches). I dont like to overstock tanks so thats about as much as I can house with my current arrangement, when my Cod outgrows his current tank I'll probably build him something on the extra large scale (>2000litres) and I would love an Australian Lung Fish to go into the tank he's currently in.

I dont have any recent pics unfortunately, but will try and get some later in the week.


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