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The impossible-my multies aren't breeding


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PH: 8.5

KH: 6hkh

Ammonia: Nil

Temp: 26

Tank: 2' x 12" x 12"

I don't see why they aren't breeding? They have only 2 bubs in with them that are about 4 months old (so they have spawned before and several times before I had them). I do water changes at 30% weekly. There is no reason why they haven't except maybe i don't have enough shells in there. I've got 11 shells of various sizes. The female is very dark in colour and is trying her little heart out to get the male to spawn. The male is light in colour. I was wondering maybe the they are too old. They are fully grown, I have had the fish for about 6 months now but have no idea how old they are.


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Bump the tank temp up to 28 mate and this should induce spawning. Chuck a heap more shells in if you like i always say the more shells for shellies the better. Do you have a sand substrate or gravel. If gravel i suggest that you change to sand or similar substrate.

Other than that mate just cross your fingers but the emp rise should spike a spawn.



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mine usually stop when the tank is a bit full like now, mine are

pH 7.8

temp 26

fortnightly water change

tank is 2x15x25

there is about 40 shells in there, 2 domm males, and 7 females, 40+ fry at various stages, but as mentioned none for a few months now. usually they get going again if i unburry all the shells and thin out the fry/bigger boys, I also have a slight snail prob that may be killing any eggs,,,due for a big clean out, probably this weekend.

other than that cross you fingers, and keep em happy

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How long is it since you moved them?

Last time I moved my colony to another tank they went on strike for over 6 mths.

I find a big cold waterchange prompts spawning in my tank. Leave it a few extra weeks with no waterchange, then do 50% with cold water. Stand back and shield your eyes for the behaviour to follow might offend some viewers wink2.gif

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Thanks Baz. I moved in on the 5th of December, so i would have thaught they would have had time to settle in by now. Will do exactly as you said and we'll see what happens. The problem is that the water is coming out of the tap at temperatures between 28 and 38. Will have to pop some in the fridge me thinks.

Thanks for the input.

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I moved in on the 5th of December.

nah Ant, i'd say that you're in for a bit of a wait, these guys just don't appreciate a house relocation. even from 1 tank to another in the same f/room, let alone vastly different water. just give 'em time, they'll come back.

The problem is that the water is coming out of the tap at temperatures between 28 and 38.

woot.gif what!, is whyalla on bore water. or the pipes just laying on top of the ground

that would have to be a big save on heaters tongue.gif

cheers; C

Edit: Fixed quotations

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lol the pipe line comes from the Murray (massive pipeline if you look at the map) and is above land for some of the journey. My pipes are also outside which also doesn't help. The water is terrible as well. The ph is around 9 and the hardness only 2 dkh, very unstable. I seem to be managing at the moment, lucky the foai like the high ph, i generally have to poor cold water in buckets at water changes.


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  • 1 month later...

Worked like a charm baz. A nice batch of about 20 fry have appeared after leaving them for another week and giving a colder water change.


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