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Maingano Question


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Well i have a colony of maingano that are all goin fine except for this one little girl i think. I have 2 Deffinate boys and about 12 girls and about 5 that i am not sure of. They have been breeding for the last 2 months or so but only a few mouthfuls here and there and only very little batches of fry because my colony is still young. My question is this one little girl who is smaller than all the rest of the fish in the tank has a caved in stomach. Now she eats like a trooper on anything you feed her but she just seems to be caved in the stomach. No other fish is like this. I have heard some people talk about a thing called wasting. I am not very familiar with this term so could this could be my problem and if so how do i fix it.

The tank is 5ft with a 2000L/H filter goin in it and is crystal clear. No ammonia no nitrates or nitrites and the ph is 8.2. Any help would be great.




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Hi Cameron,

I have heard of and seen this in Maingano. My advice would be to put her in a fry saver and try to fatten her up. If she just simply wont eat then unfortunately it is only a matter of time. You could try putting her in a quarantine tank and dosing the tank with something like Melafix but generally if they are looking bad its too late.

Has she breed?

It could be she breed to young and held for too long and is just going to take some time to get her condition back. Try the quarantine tank if you have one, if not go a fry saver and feed her up on brine shrimp.

Best of luck.

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I have the exact same thing with one of my fullerbori.

Eats like a champion, but concave stomach and is not growing as fast as the others.

I have also noticed that he has long clear poos that trail out of him...sometimes up to 5 inches.

could not google a solution?

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i had a similar situation when i had a colony of mainganos , now i just have the one pair, a couple of the females developed sunken in bellies and no matter how much i fed them they didnt seem to improve and died. I have heard this from other people who have experienced the same thing, and their is no explanation as to why it develops, at least none i can see

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Ok ben i will put her in fry saver and try to fatten her up.

Another question then is this contagious. Will my other fish get it like her.

No she has not bred yet she is only 4cm were the others are 5-6cm.



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I don’t think it is contagious but just in case if you do have an empty tank put her 1 x little bristle nose and a sponge filter in it and leave her there till she fattens up.

If you have some little yellows 3cm or so or something else really peaceful put a few in with her to keep her company.

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