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Some cylindricus success!


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Hi all,

just thought I'd share with you that my N.cylindricus are breeding.

I bought a very nice pair of these guys off Yew at last year's NSWCS mega-auction (see my avatar for a photo of the male). I kept them in a community tank for a while and am pretty sure they spawned but S.multipunctatus are an effective predator.

Anyway, I put them in a dedicated four foot tank. I found about 90 eggs on the roof of a broken terracotta pot 11 days ago. However, after 3 days they disappeared. I blamed the Bristlenoses angry.gif However, I had hopes that they had hatched and that the female was guarding them in a pit. After 10 days of not seeing anything, I was ready to give up. But last night, to my joy, I saw at least 20, but probably lots more, fry hanging around the bottom of the tank woot.gif

They seem to be taking dry food but I'll have to get some live Daphnia to fatten them up.

Anyone had any experience with raising cylindricus fry? If so then I'd love to hear your experiences.



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Congrats. Good to hear someone is having some luck, i havent had anything breed for a while now. Yesterday my e blue's bred, in the cuckoo tank so we will see what happens there. Good luck with raising the fry thumbup.gif

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Thanks for the encouragement guys smile.gif

I've been feeding the fry with vinegar eels and crushed flake. There seem to be around 50 of the little fellas, and they are doing pretty well. Baby Daphnia will be going in tomorrow.

Anyway, here's one of my amateurish photos but you get the idea. Apologies for the algae on the back glass but I have been leaving this particular part of the tank well alone for the past few weeks.

Female Neolamprologus cylindricus, with 3 day old fry.

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