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Any Angel People Here?


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I just wanted to get some opinions on Angelfish stocking levels.

I currently have a 4ft planted tank with about 15 Angelfish of all different sizes. I was hoping that people with some experience with these cichlids would have some suggestions. I know that i have far to many for when these fish get older, but i plan to start thinning them out and end up with my favorites smile.gif

This is a picture of my tank, i have tried to make it all 'amazony' and natural.

Many thanks, Cheers Phil.

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Hi Phil,

Welcome to the forum! I trust you will enjoy your stay here.

Nice tank! IMO, I thikn 15 angels is too many. Angels will fight when they start to pair off and you'll probably get away with about 2-3 pairs in there max.

If you intend to breed them, I suggest you let them pair off and then transfer them to their own tank, where they can safely lay their eggs.

They will lay on almost any surface - wood, broad leaved plants, slate, filter tube, mine even laid on the glass!

I see you have some albino pearlscales, marbles and some blushing angels too. Which are your favourite?

What are you feeding them atm? any other fish in the tank?

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Hey thanks guys smile.gif

I dont plan to breed them, they are more just a fish to live in the planted tank. I think i can break it down to 4 pairs, i will get rid of the rest, they are marbles.

I think my favorites have to be the albino pearlscales (i got them from ST George), the silvers and the blushers. smile.gif

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Hey thanks guys smile.gif

I dont plan to breed them, they are more just a fish to live in the planted tank. I think i can break it down to 4 pairs, i will get rid of the rest, they are marbles.

I think my favorites have to be the albino pearlscales (i got them from ST George), the silvers and the blushers. smile.gif

Do your fish know that you don’t plan them to breed? When the time comes as they mature, you won’t have a choice blush.gif

You need to plan for this. shock.gif


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