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Ok guys/gals!


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Ok guys/gals, I am getting four 4 foot tanks with sump filter etc and am going to give breeding a few fish for my local area a try!

The hard part, I dont understand scientific names, have got a throbbing headache tongue.gif and cannot for the life of me get my head around the research that i have been doing, So I thought that the next best thing would be to ask the pro's.

I want african cichlids, tangs, I think, maybe not.

I dont know but i would like a few ideas that i can run with.



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a really good way is to go the the picture section of the SCP and take a look there. if you like the look of a fish then find out more! search on the net, find out what it needs and then look at how much it costs.

another good way is to watch the forums, see what you can afford and then look online at that fish to see if you like it and you think you can keep it. people can give you all the opinions in the world on what to keep, ultimately it must be what you enjoy keeping or simply like the look of wink.gif

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We can't really choose a fish for you, but u should look for pics of fish that u like then research them. The whole idea of the hobby is reasearch, approach and enjoy.

Good Luck.


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Congrats on getting stuck into it!

But ya gotta learn the names! It gets on a lota people nerves when others don't used scientific names when refering to fish, it seems petty but there are many more trade names than fish to attach them too.

If you have never used the Genus/species (bi-nomial?) system for any reason it can look daunting.

The first part of the name refer to the Genus, or a group of closely related species, the second part is the Species or the specific part of that group of related organisms. As a rule of thumb if any two species share the same genus, then there is a good chance they will be able to inter-breed (not what a breeder whats to do).

Thats a VERY brief idea, but the Genus ALWAYS has a capital letter and the species ALWAYS has a lower case letter eg:Herotilapia multispinosa, and tchnically all genus/species names should be italicised, but that isn't a requirment of the forum.

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Yellows are an excellent first choice. If you're looking to start breeding to supply your local LFSs then you pretty much can't go wrong with yellows - there's always a market for them. biggrin.gif

In my experience Malawis are easier to breed than Tangs and are usually easier to sell, mainly because they generally have stronger colours.

Many Tangs are fabulous fish but can be a bit touchie (I've raised 3 colonies of tropheus only to have dominant males kill their tankmates - other males and females!) Daffodils, brichardis and many other Tangs are beautiful fish but maybe a bit too subtle for most LFS's off-the-street customers.

I would start with yellows and work up from there! Electric blues or any Aulonocara will go well with yellows. wink.gif

Good luck!

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