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Availability of these beautiful Americans


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Before i sell all my fish and redesign my tank can anyone tell me whether the following Americans are available in Australia

Satanoperca acuticeps - http://members.aol.com/pmchefalo/ACUTICEPS.htm

Satanoperca daemon - http://members.aol.com/pmchefalo/DAEMON.htm

They look fantastic and i would love to try and breed them.

If they are not could anyone suggest any other rare eartheaters that the hobby would appreciate being bred.


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I've heard of Satanoperca daemon being here before...but I think all that were imported might be dead, unfortunently, they are notoriously difficult to keep. Maybe someone can confirm this?

Never heard of Satanoperca acuticeps here.

Breed some Geophagus altifrons or some other rare Geophagus sp.

Maybe try breeding some Satanoperca leucosticta? I don't know of any other Satanoperca sp. here...Although I did see a Satanoperca leucostica geographic colour variant once. Although I doubt theres any around though, I was told only 6 of them came into the country.


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Hi thermofish,

Satanoperca daemon as far as i know are not available in australia as for Satanoperca acuticeps, they are available in australia. I've only heard of one person thru the grape vine who has some and he ain't parting with them (i don't blame him). Both fish are very critical to water condition-especially if you intend to bred them.

Most eartheaters require at least a 450ltr tank cause most species exceed 20cm. Daemon-30cm, acuticeps-20cm and they like to have a "personnal space" of around 30cm.

Rare eartheaters of heard which are available are-

Satanoperca acuticeps

Satanoperca leucosticta

Geophagus sp. "pindare"

Geophagus altifron-"aripuana" and "rio tocantins"

Acarichthys heckelii

Geophagus sp. "altamira"

The geophagus are more hardy then satanoperca(ph and hardness)

Good luck with the fish (i was after acuticeps for over six months then gave up). I hope you find some, i personally believe that most of the eartheaters are spectacular fish.

Hope this has been some help too you.

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Well i found what is apparently Satanoperca jurupari.

I'll have a fish around for what you guys have mentioned.

Thanks for the help & suggestions.

this is my entire fishwishlist, i figure many just arent available in aust. and those that are will not be parted with. but if anyone knows......

Acarichthys heckelii

Archocentrus spinosissimus

Geophagus sp. "altamira"

Geophagus altifrons

Herichthys cyanoguttatus

Nandopsis oblongus

Satanoperca acuticepshttp

Satanoperca daemon

Satanoperca leucosticta

Thorichthys maculipinnis or Thorichthys ellioti


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good news and bad news.

George and Michella (slippery little suckers) has some altifrons (aripuana) for sale. They are around the $250ea. i think they have about 6 around the 10cm mark.

If i have any luck breeding my leucostictas or altis(rio tocantins) i'll give you a shout,but so far no luck(not yet mature enough-i'm guessing).

Shaun is spot on about keeping daemon and the past history of them in australia, i heard they all died out with no breeding success. Most satanoperca are tempermental at the best of times let alone trying to get the buggers to breed.

Geophagus are easier to breed as the lay their eggs on a flat surface where as most-but not all- satanoperca need a leaf (eg maple) and not any old leaf,they wont breed on oak leaves-so i've been told and once again water condition is very critical.Good luck in the search.


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the leucostictas, green horse face are best kept in what sized tank , im getting some off a breeder here and there is so little information on them on the net , mainly pics and general info on earth eaters but nothing specific to that species.



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gday Sarah,

for a single adult breeding pair i would say 3x2x18 or slightly bigger is a good sized tank but as juvs up to 10cm a standard 4 foot is ok depending on how many you are planing on keeping ...

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thanks Daniel,

i ended up getting a good link , an informative site on these fish thanks to Simon aka Cichlid Tank, im getting only 4 or 5 and will eventually move them to a bigger tank but while they are still small they will be in a 3ftx14x18, but i get the idea that they need more depth then hight


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Hi Sarah,

Both leucostictas and jurapari are called green horse face.

They are quiet easy to tell apart, jurapari don't have the pearl blue spots thru their body or fins or the reddish background.So if your paying the dollars for leucostictas just make sure you get them. Both species grow to around the 25cm mark and they are not slow growers so your going to need a reasonable size tank. For information Thomas Weider has a very good book called South American Eartheaters. You'll find all the info your after there, but expect to pay around $100.

If you don't mind me asking, where abouts is the breeder in Melb and how much are they going for (i'd like to get two more).

Cheers Shane.

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Thank you Sarah,

We keep ours from the day we got them in a 4x18x18, just 6 of them plus 6 red horse face which were later removed, the horse face all grew very fast and one pair of g/h formed up one end of the tank and another up the other end

whilst two spare females lived in "no mans land".

These fish are not aggressive and have been in this tank with a few roots and flat rocks whilst the gravel is a mix of 4 to 6mm.

Contact number (03) 9465 0880

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well i had sand in my 3ft for the green horseface but today changed it over to 2mm white gravel i picked up at Preston Aquarium, it wasnt settling the sand the tank was not crystal clear so i decided i didnt want it ending up in my aqua clears and removed the lot. I have read that they like to sift the substrate and tend to be rather shy hence why some people place dithers with them so they come out more into the open .


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Guys -

In your haste for the new - please dont forget the old.

Geophagus braziliensis (good quality ones anyway) and Geophagus steindachneri aren't as common as they once were sad.gif. Both are lovely fish and if you are into Geophagines why not keep a few more "common" ones and do these fish a favour!

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The size of your gravel should be fine (sand or some very fine gravel).

Eartheaters are called such cause they will pick up a mouth full of substrate and filter it thru their gills (hence the name eartheater).

If they spit the gravel out their mouth,it is too big.

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DOOBIE got it right. Wrong size gravel is one thing most people get wrong with Satanoperca & Geophagus (plus the few other available Eartheater genus).

Use sand or gravel no bigger then 2mm, and you can't go wrong. As long as all the tank conditions are right you won't have any trouble smile.gif


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Thermofish.....time to bite the bullet and change that gravel.

your tank will probably have to be rearranged and you don't want any rocks which can leach minerals and harden the water.You won't regret the change!!

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Re these fish in Oz

Acarichthys heckelii - here but it will be a while before any fry hit the market

Archocentrus spinosissimus - here but can also be under the name A,cutteri

Geophagus sp. "altamira" - not that I know off

Geophagus altifrons - varients available are

*the original surinamensis form possible Manaus geographic

*Rio Tonacatins - a while before fry before fry hit the market be careful as fish have been sold under this name but are not correct to species

Herichthys cyanoguttatus - possibly lost only Carpinte available

Nandopsis oblongus - possibly lost were also sold as N.facetum or Chanchito

Satanoperca acuticeps - possibly lost

Satanoperca daemon - possibly lost

Satanoperca leucosticta - available sold as Jurapari

Thorichthys maculipinnis not that I know of

Thorichthys ellioti - T.helleri AKA ellioti AKA champontonis AKA aureum possibly lost, last fish were in Melb but not heard of since breeder lost his adults

cool.gif L2H

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gday Chris,

there are 2 forms available here known as green horse face... one that has spotting in the face and the rarer one with the swirling in the face with a slight redish backing colour.... both forms are being bred down here and look faward to keeping some of the rarer greens so they dont get lost to the hobby biggrin.gif

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