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Fishless cycling

Willy Wombat

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Hey guys - trying to do a fishless cycle at the moment. Just wondering if you can use the product you get in the shops called cloudy ammonia.

It is important for the cycle to be effective that there are no extra dyes or perfumes added to the bottle. Some of them are flouro yellow, so i wont use them.

I got one bottle that is a white colour (pearly) and only lists ammonia (NH4+) in its ingrtedient list. Does anyone know if there are any inherant problems with this substance though?

Have checked the forum FAQ's but this topic was not covered in fishless cycling section.


WW cool.gif

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I had great success with established filter squeezings and a product called "Bio Start" better IMHO than Cycle. Important to have a bacteria colony to add to the tank first though.

My cichlid tank = 180litre 4 foot tank - squeezed the sponge filter every day in the new tank (crude and all) and added a teaspoon or two of Bio Start (jut read the back of the pack). Tank was cycled in 7 days!

Never had ammonia or nitrite since!


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Definatly NO

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If it doesn't list the ingredients, or say Clear Ammonia (or Pure Ammonia or 100% Ammonia, or Pure Ammonium Hydroxide), then leave it on the shelf and look elsewhere. Shake the bottle if you're not sure about it... ammonia with surfactants will foam, while good ammonia will not.

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Mmm thanks for that info catalyst.

Looks like i will have to give bunnings a call. Use the cloudy ammonia on the kitchen floor next time i get mopping duty!

Or perhaps i should just drop a dead prawn in the tank and hope it doesnt stink too bad?


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I use sera nitrivec and find this very successful. I agree with catalyst that if it goes foamy when you shake it, then it is not pure ammonia.


ps dead prawns work too!!!

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I assume you have fish food at hand? Just pulverise some, and drop that in; it's just unprocessed fish poop, which is what you are after anyway. smile.gif

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I always cycle with a couple of goldfish they seem to take it well, I also squeeze a filter from another Tank this way my cycle only takes about 2 weeks, If you dont have another tank ask your LFS to give you a filter squeese from one of their tanks.

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