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Riddle me this...


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I was at an electronic retail shop in Merrylands (West Sydney) today and there was a tank with a mix of fish I never thought possible.

1 Frontosa

2 electric blues (?)

1 fish that looked a bit like an electric yellow but wasn’t (it had a black dorsal and a yellow-ish body with light vertical bands ????)

and two large goldfish!!!! shock.gif

Ok. How does this work?

All fish were large(ish). The water was kinda green .... I was only in there for a minute (picking something up while they were closing) so I didn't get a great look...I didn't really see a heater...

so wussup? dntknw.gif

If anyone is curious I can let them know where it is (can I name names in general post?)

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You arent critcising the business in any way, theyre not even an aquarium! You're merely asking why people think those fish would survive together. In other words I doubt there'd be anything terribly threatening about naming the place. Hell, it might even make a couple of forum members stop by to have a look, bringing the shop more would-be customers smile.gif

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Goldfish and frontosa don't mix well, I had a few gold fish with a frontosa and the frontosa used them for food before I knew what happened. To make it more interesting, the frontosa basically left all the fry of the Julie pair alone. Kind of makes me wonder

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Mods...is it ok to name in this instance? If so please let me know. I don't know if a bunch of fish fans popping in from time to time will confuse the hell out of the vendors though laugh.gif

In the meantime, I'm going to try and get a pic (if I can get there during office hours again) to post.

It really didn't make sense to me...but maybe I saw wrong - or maybe there are some bad boy goldfish looking tropicals out there that I just don't recognise. dntknw.gif

I'll try get some pictures if I can sometime next week.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The fan tail goldie is very nice. But its tail looks shredded. The fronnie probably has a go at it from time to time.

The other "cross" methinks is an Electric Yellow. Just a bad one thats all... *shrugs*

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