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well they live anywhere from fresh to full salt so PH wise so long as you acclimatise them they should be ok.

Habitat? well fresh water muddy lagoons, mangrove esturays & apparently reefs too. What sort of tank/pond do you have planned? Being the big eaters they'll require pretty hefty filtration. If you only have a tank or small pond you'll need to consider what happens when the fish outgrows it - remember they get around two meters long!!

here's a brief US quide to keeping them --> http://www.aquariacentral.com/species/db.c...&view_records=1

most of the google results in Australia refer to farming them, not keeping them in tanks.

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Barramundi are the largest fresh water fish in Aus. They have been known to grow upwards of 1.8 meters. They out-grow most aquariums, so you must be prepaired to keep upgrading your tank to 8ft within 4 years, the best way to keep them is in a large pond. They are a fantastic fish, and you really grow attached to them. If you get them eating barra pellets and not live food you will be better of $$ wise other wise you could be forking out up to $1500 a year in live 'food'.


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to start make sure you use rock salt in their water mate,it helps prevent fungus i believe.the stuff from the supermarket that gets put in a salt grinder.

you will need to warm their water above 22 degrees,and keep them on the pellets from the farm up there,or you will spend a fortune on fresh bait to feed them.

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