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What to feed Brine Shrimp?


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I am going to try grow some brine shrimp up to feed to my bigger fish. Im just wondering what I can feed them to grow them up abit? confused.gif

Also has anybody ever used "Billabong Bugs" a.k.a "Triops" for live food? If so where can I perchase eggs?



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There was a thread about Billabong Bugs at one stage?

As for brine shrimp, I spoke to alot of people about it, and most agree that it is a fruitless exercise trying to raise them to adulthood, as the amount of time effort involved is prohibitive for the amount of food they provide.

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considering how much you pay at the LFS for them i wouldn't consider it a fruitless exercise at all.considering it is one of the better live foods and a small spare tank to do it in i want to give it a go aswell.i'm with adam if anyone knows that would be great



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i have gotten brineshrimp to nearly adult size mine got to about 1cm, actually forgaot about them after a week the container just sat on the window sill were i left it. 3 weeks later i had a look and they were cruizing abouts in there!

trying it for real I fed them bakers yeast, they grew ok but not a huge yeild.

for more info I would try looking up a seamonky site.! there are afew abouts, someone may have a link for you..

alternatley find a ocean based salt pan and see if any artemia are present. there was one up this way were cheetham salt comes from at port alma, but this is closed off to public accesss now. during summer if you got the timing right you could collect a bucket full of the stuff! just scccoooopp!

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I grow brine shrimp to 25mm, and carrying eggs. All in a bucket outside rich in insuforia. I have also acclerated them with hard boiled egg yolk. Some people use Bovril mixed with eg yolk into a paste. Aquarticles has a good article on growing brine shrimp to adult size i think.

Tis probably a bit cold to be doing outside now tho cool.gif

Ducky is all over the billabong bugs. Besides, they are all shell.

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brine shrimp are most nutritious just hours after hatching.

pure spirilina may be the best thing to feed as it will be benificial to the

fish eating it.


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Once bbs get beyond instar11 (2 days old) it has very little if any nutritional value, its basically exoskeleton and water, its the egg sac attached to bbs that make them nutritious but it is consumed after a couple of days. If you are looking for a fattener for fry then look closely at a whiteworm culture, far more beneficial and way easier to keep.

btw brine shrimp eat rotifers (single cell creatures) which can be cultured in green water, like Jason suggested. yes.gif

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good luck growing the brine shrimp out guys, it can be done, but it is one big PIA. not as easy as some of those sites lead you to believe.

to have enough yeild takes up space and time. ive been told of ppl growing them outdoors in an old kiddies pool.

but hey, have a go. you might find an easier way

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I find it quite easy dntknw.gif . Chuck a 20L bucket outside in sun, airline, thats about it really. New bucket for each batch. Adding the greenwater and sometimes egg yolk from the freshwater culture bucket. I shall also try spirulina powder. Thanks for that Idea thumb.gif . What I want to know is how to harvest the eggs from the adult. Then I'd be pretty much brine shrimp sufficient.

I guess I do use seawater considering I live on the coast. Dont know if that has anything to do with it?

Not disagreeing. Just sharing smile.gif



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