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Anubias bart. v. nana "petite"


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Does anyone know of any places around Brisbane stocking Anubias barteri v. nana "petite"? (Like A. b. v. n. but the leaves are much smaller - say 5-10mm.) Failing that, does some kind person have any which they'd like to send me a cutting of (I'd of course recompense you)? smile.gif

Other thing is, does anyone know of places in Brisbnae selling f/w shrimp (ghost or amano/japonica)?


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japonica doesn't exist in australia, but various species of shrimp can be netted out of the waters that be...

anyway petite anubias can be purchased from aquaria.com.au (only placve i've seen so far) beware, you're shelling out $18 i think for one plant!!!

it is beautiful though, and according to lore, it is imported from the middle east or some such thing

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anyway petite anubias can be purchased from aquaria.com.au (only placve i've seen so far) beware, you're shelling out $18 i think for one plant!!!

Yep, they have it for $16.50 + postage for one plant. Maybe I'll just stick with the standard variety. smile.gif

japonica doesn't exist in australia, but various species of shrimp can be netted out of the waters that be...

Do you mean catching them myself? Apart from the obvious - in streams - where does one find them? Could be an exciting adventure wink.gif

Well, I'm off to collect my new sparkling gouramies... biggrin.gif

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You can find atiydae shrimp (auusie ghost shrimp) at annerley aquarium (at least, they had some last october)

Failing that, contact Crayhaven Industries at Karuah, and get them to send you some up.

should work out at about $35 inc postage for 150 shrimp wink.gif

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Yep, they have it for $16.50 + postage for one plant. Maybe I'll just stick with the standard variety. smile.gif

Even thought they may seem expensive, that one plant (if it's a large one) will easily produce another two within 6 months. I bought one about a year ago for $24, and have two new plants (although I doubled-up on one rock for effect) which are almost as big as the original one was. And If I so wish, I should be able to get another plant off the original.

Sometimes you can also be lucky and get them cheap; got a small one for $4 once that was in the 'Anubias' group.

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Even thought they may seem expensive...

Oh, doesn't seem particularly expensive to me (I paid $24 for my current standard nana on driftwood), it's just it's summer (and I dunno about the other states, but it's heat-wave-like right now in Brisbane smile.gif ), so plant postage seems like a recipe for dead plant, and additionally I won't see what I'm getting till I've got it. Also yesterday I saw a nice standard nana on a piece of uprighty driftwood for $16.50 which may do just as well... finding the perfect driftwood is a mission almost as hard as finding "petite" wink.gif .

You can find atiydae shrimp (auusie ghost shrimp) at annerley aquarium (at least, they had some last october)

*adds to people-to-phone-today list* thanks smile.gif

in streams yes with a big net around weeds and stuff (according to people I asked last time about this  )

*adds to slightly-daunting-missions-to-plan list* again, thanks wink.gif

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When I striped out and sold my plant tank contents a year ago, I kept all my anubias, which included "petite". I absolutely love this plant and wouldn't part with what I have, and now it has grown to cover a good sized area. There would be a hundred or so plants biggrin.gif It was my understanding that it couldn't be purchased retail now, but if others say it can be gotten via mail order, if I were you, I'd get it that way. They will know how to pack it to handle the heat.

Interestingly, in the two, two and a half foot tanks, situated outside, I put garden soil in the bottom of tanks, covered with gravel, a heater in both tanks (for Winter), do no water changes (it fills and overflows when it rains or when I water the plants in the shade house), nor put in fertiliser in. The only lighting is natural, and the tanks are chocked full of anubias (mostly petite), Java, a bit of bolbosa, and several different swords, and a crypt or two. The tanks REALLY look great, and best of all no maintenance rolleyes.gif

I even saw a green tree frog living by them a couple of days ago.


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G'day Nornicle, long time no hear cool.gif

It might seem like the obvious thing to say, but give BOC a call wink.gif

They won't sell you a tank, as they only rent mad.gif

I expect they will also have a needle valve as well. Give them a call I'm sure they'll be only too happy to take your money cool.gif

When my system was up and running, you might remember, I used the Sera regulator and gear, which had a compatible fitting with Soda Stream Home Made Soft Drink gas bottle, bought at BigW, Woollies, Bunnings and so on.


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