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cutting templates


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Dances why not try lexan or perspex lids and go to town with a hacksaw you can get any shape you like cut out.


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when i used hang on filters and need my glass cut i use to go to my local glass glazier and he cut them for me. smile.gif but he always said if they crack its not his fault angry.gif luckly it never happened.

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if it was one piece of glass he use to not take anything,but i use to take like 4 or 5 pieces and he use to charge me $10.he also use to always get me and cut me glass lids for free when he second hand glass

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I'd go the perspex suggestion. If you're worried about warping, get something thick enough not to warp - 15 or 20mm. If your worried about something jumping through I expect perspex of this thickness will weigh more than a equal sized piece of 6mm glass.

With perspex you could also cut the exact foot print needed to allow the water's entry and exit into the tank, including a round hole for the walking stick (if your filter has one).


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