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Gold Fish


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Hi all,

I know nothing about Gold Fish so I'll ask the brains trust. One of the girls at work have a small tank on their desk with a couple of goldies, The larger comet has gone from normal gold to almost all silver in the last two days.

The cause would be????? Stress??? It's a small tank with the comet, a black moore, a small fantail and a BN that I threw in to help clean it. The bn looks the healthiest of the lot.



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Could be stress, could be simply a sick fish. What are the details of the tank?

You say "a small tank". 3 fish in a tiny desk tank might be overloading it. What filtration is on the tank?

At a guess, I'd say it's just sick, and likely to get worse sad.gif

I'm not a fan of "small" desk tanks angry.gif

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At a guess, I would think your worried about nothing. Goldfish often go through colour metamorphasis. Not sure on the reason, but it is harmless and normal.

I agree though, maybe you should be in her ear about finding more suitable occupants.

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Most office's would be climate controlled.

BN actually prefer slightly cooler temps than most cichlids (not cold though) I have heard peak temp for breeding them is down at 20, but I have never tried as mine breed plenty good enough in my cichlid tanks (at 25 ish).

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Ah yes, that would make sense now. thanks ducky!

how'd you manage a double post? hehe

Thanks Guys,

I've got a 2ftr lined up from a pet shop near my place, he replaced his tanks so I can have an old one for $20. Also, the bn loves it in with the goldies, I've found bn's to be almost indestructable no matter where I put them., they just adapt and get on with it.



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i use to be a moderator at goldfish paradise use to keep them for awhile

i use to keep my bn with my goldies but i kept my goldies at 76degrees fh

and they were fine even bred for me in there.

i use to keep fancy's such as lionheads ranchus orandas and yeh

those were my favs

try to stick to the 10gallon a fish rule

sounds ridiculous for goldfish but this was the standardised practice for ensuring a happy and clean environment for your fish

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MYTHBUSTERS clap.gif Did a test to see if goldfish really have a 3 second memory and they concluded that goldfish are indeed quite smart animals who need a decent sized aquarium. I think the sale of "Goldfish Packages" is disgusting as the petshop owner should know that they need a larger aquarium then a bowl. Just something to think about



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Hi all,

I know nothing about Gold Fish so I'll ask the brains trust. One of the girls at work have a small tank on their desk with a couple of goldies, The larger comet has gone from normal gold to almost all silver in the last two days.

The cause would be????? Stress??? It's a small tank with the comet, a black moore, a small fantail and a BN that I threw in to help clean it. The bn looks the healthiest of the lot.



Does the tank have a light? cause i have read and heard (never experienced myself) that goldfish lose their colour with out light !!!


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  • 3 weeks later...

if you mean outdoor ponds that'd be the sun, not just limited to goldfish - you should see how dark & evil looking my pond convicts are!

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yeh when there outdoors the goldies they also get live food, which would also explain the colour change

-and to the original question about colour changing goldfish: its normal for them to change to a silvery/bronze colour, it doesnt neccesry mean they are sick, my mums apparently white comet is developing red patterns all over its body, and its as healthy as any other fish....HTH thumb.gifthumb.gif

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