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Are venustus aggresive when big?


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I have 4 small venustus and i know they grow quickly but do they get aggressive when they are bigger as my LFS said that they would?

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imo no , but siblings tend to eat each other if there's a size difference in fry, a good fish and i found a ready breeder,i bred a few hundred before i sold my colony,in fact i still have some youngsters living behind my latex background!

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Mate, they are aggressive when they are small woot.gif But yes, 30cm predators generally come with plenty of aggression. They are very aggressive.

Looks like I lost half my post when I submitted it the first time?

Aggression is a comparitive issue. Living in a species only breeding group aggression tends to be minimal. However when I bred them I found them to be one of the harder species to find tankmates for. Mine bred well, but whatever species I kept alongside them would be hounded no end. The mixing with venustus was the only thing that ever stopped my old electric yellow colony breeding.

Comparitively with other Nimbochromis I would say they are alot less aggressive but they are still V aggressive compared to most species like peacocks, electric blues, Copadichromis etc.

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i kept my colony with 9 fronnies and they got on well together,as duck said aggression is comparative,i found mine to be far less aggressive than mbuna ,but not as laid back as the fronnies,however keeping rd's and festae my judgment may be clouded! blush.gif

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i dont think fronnies or venustus are well suited to a 4ft, 6ft is the minimum I would keep either in, they just get too big for a 4ft tank.

as for aggression, well they will eat anything that fits in their mouths, and their mouths are BIG. they are not so much aggressive as predatory

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I kept a colony of Venustus 2m 3f in a 4*2*2 with blue dolphins and large E yellows for a few years. I had no problems. Just make sure nothing is small enough to be inside the venustus mouth as they will eat it.

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i dont think fronnies or venustus are well suited to a 4ft, 6ft is the minimum I would keep either in, they just get too big for a 4ft tank.

as for aggression, well they will eat anything that fits in their mouths, and their mouths are BIG.  they are not so much aggressive as predatory

yeah i know they are a bit large for a standard 4fter but I have only got the one front and hope may get 1 or 2 venustus not too breed just for display with some mbuna. so yeah

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I have had a pair of venustus with a variety of fish in a 4x2x2, i have not had a problem at all, the only thing you have to be careful of like the others have stated, is that they will eat anything that fits in their mouth, otherwise they are fine.

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I concur with what everyone has been saying - my 6" male is the king of my 4' x 18" x 18" and even though he's dominant, he fits in fine with the other haps and peacocks I have in there. He generally only chases the next biggest fish which is a Red Empress or my Lwanda, but no damage is ever done.

One thing I can say is how spectacular they look when mature. A very underrated fish in the hobby sometimes:

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(excuse the smudge marks on the glass blush.gif )

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That is what happens to smaller fish in my display tank yes.gif That rusty was 5cm+ and the Venustus would be around 15cm. The poor little bugger had grown up in the tank from the female I had in there only to get chomped at 5cm laugh.gif



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