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Your Tap Water Parameters?


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A recent post prompted me to create this post. What are your tap waters Parameters where you live? This could prove a useful FAQ.

Suburb/Town: Mclaren Flat

Source: South Australia, Myponga Reservoir

PH: 7.2

KH: 3-4

GH: ?

Other: It doesn't have huge amounts of chlorine or chloramine. Very good water source.

Suburb/Town: Hackham West

Source: South Australia, Mt Bold/Happy Valley Reservoir

PH: 7.4

KH: 6

GH: ?

Other: Has a huge amount of chlorine and chloramine. Definitely needs to be stored and aged for 2 weeks minimum.

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hi Anthony

good post mate, sadly, not a lot of ppl seem interested in it. but when i read between the lines on a lot of questions, i'm of the opinion a lot of ppl don't own test kits.

so for my results

suburb; St Marys [outer west syd]

source; warragamba dam via prospect resivoir

results; PH 7.5

GH 4

KH 4

comment; sydney water[supply co.] will give us a detailed analysis as to a wide range of paremeters. all said to be within acceptable limits.

as a rule, not a bad drop. but during a wet spell, i can definatley notice an increase in the chlorine odour. also noticed a rise in the ph in the last 6/8mths.

cheers; Colin

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I must have missed this.

PH....... 8

KH....... 4

GH....... 3

I am in Wollongong. I am not sure what dam our water comes from.

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