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Fry survival rates


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Hi guys,

Several of my africans have bred in the last couple of months, want i want to know is do you expect the odd fry to die along the way, and only the strong survive?, and how do you increase the percentage of fish that survive by the time they are juvies. confused.gif

I keep my fry in a 2ft by 20inch high tank, with a sponge and canister filter.

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If they just recently started to breed, like 1 or 2 times, then its ok if they loose some fry, I dont think whch are stronger survive, they usually all grow at the same time lol

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You are starting out right by removing the fry to a grow out tank smile.gif . Dependant on species your 2' will soon not be sufficient, so you will have to remove the larger fry to another tank and so on and so on smile.gif

Fry need several small feeds a day, frequent water changes (I do fry tanks 10-20% every 2-3 days) good oxygenation but not too much current - we don't want them to exercise too much and lose those fat little bellies they need for growth LOL.gif .

Well done and good luck.


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I would say remove the canister filter and just use the sponge filter. I have only ever used sponge filters as they dont create too much current. If you do regular water changes then all should be good.

Also are the water conditions in both tanks the same? They could be getting shocked by too much difference in the water between each tank

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Hi there,

Everything that Aline said and this:

I had a similar problem with BN recently (I am only a beginner breeder as well) I was losing one BN every couple of days after they had been really happy for several weeks. I found that splitting them across different tanks helped with reducing the loses, but I have the tank space for them. I have now gotten 90% of them to sellable size I have off loaded half of them now (about 60) I have less in each tank to grow up to the next size, and it appears to be working for now.



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What species are you breeding? Sometimes the females tend to hold more fry than they ought to and they suffer as a result. They almost seem squashed blink.gif but they often straighten themselves out as well.

Some species tend to be tougher than others. And it also comes back to the water, food, temp etc... of course as well. If you create optimum conditions then you will max out the results.

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