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Water Chemistry - GH testing


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Hey all,

Did my water tests last night checking ammonia etc

When i did the GH test I stopped after 60 drops and the test didnt change from the orange colour to green as indicated on my kit.

The KH was a little low only 2-3 so I added some salts to raise it a little.

What I'm not sure is do i need to lower the GH in my tank.

I dont have any cichlids in it yet, still cycling (last week), and my guppies and bristlenose are fine.

Any ideas



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i'm lost for words, absolutely gobsmacked!!

60dg, GH, whoa thats hard. are you sure the test tube was clean,[ from the last test]

what are you using to lift GH, and what is the PH?

i would do a 30% change every few days to get the tank back to around

8~10dg GH.[this is a fair average for most fish] using treated tap water only. check the GH and PH of the tap water, could be a supprise there.


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Did you add the salts immediately before doing the gh test? (if so maybe affected the test???)

Did you retest?

Do you know the gh test works? ie. Have you used that solution and got accurate results before?

Ummm that is liquid concrete!!

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60dg dg shock.gif Im guessing you might have messed up the test there Tim yes.gif Most people that I know down here in Melbourne have the same problem as me. Very soft water with low Gh and almost No Kh at all, Which supports your result of 2-3dg KH.

As a suggestion I would test the tank again,test the water fresh out of the tap and if your still getting the 60dg reading go to your LFS and get them to test it. While your there you might want to think about another GH test kit laugh.gif



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I'm using rift lake salts to raise the GH. I have added less than the instructions indicate for the number of litres in the tank.

My PH is around 7.8.

The test kit is old so it may be the cause.

I clean the test tubes before and after each use.

All other tests seem fine.

If I should be getting low GH then I'll try a new GH test kit.

I'll take a sample of water into my LFS get them to check.

Strange that the KH test works but not the GH as they are from the same test kit.

I'll let you know how it goes.



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Tim, did you re-test with your kit? that would be my first call yes.gif

If I should be getting low GH then I'll try a new GH test kit.

Just to clarify. I stated that most people in Melbourne have soft water with low GH,KH. Your area might be different dntknw.gif

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