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Fish ID Please!


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This photo comes from another member. He was sold them as Pseudotropheus estherae.

They seem far too yellow to be estherae to me, and almost a labidochromis shape, not a pseudotropheus? However I'd still pick them as a Pseudotropheus, as I think it's the angle of the shot.

I left the EY in the bottom pic to show colour difference, and no I don't believe he had yellows and estherae breeding in the same tank. He bought the "estherae" and has just grown them up in a display tank.

Any guesses?

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I agree it looks like a male barlowi. Andy did they provide you any information regarding the behaviour of the fish as male barlowi are territorial and love to burrow? Are they all like this one?


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Sorry Ged I'll try and get more info. All the info I got was what was put on here.

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looks to me like one of those line bred e-yellows without the black stripe. Or its a male lombardoi, they often are seen without the stripes.


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looks to me like one of those line bred e-yellows without the black stripe.

I agree. It is not a male P. barlowi; the shape is wrong. It definately has the Lab. shape and markings of the yellow (minus the black).

Andrea smile.gif

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I doubt they LFS would have sold it as an estherae if they could have advertised it as a linebred yellow for more money though surely?

You'd think that whoever owned it (if indeed it is a linebred yellow) would know that for sure?

I'm not convinced it's a linebred yellow at all (particularly since we still haven't seen photos of one from those who supposedly have them in their tanks rolleyes.gif ).

It still has the zebra "bump" on the forehead, which yellows don't have. Labs seem to have a sloping forehead which flows into the nose, where zebs have a rounder forehead and a distinct nose.

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After taking a second look it does look to me asthough it's a lombardoi or lombardoi hybrid. It could well be yellow x lombardoi. The reason i say this is because lombardoi have the highlights that this fish has but the head and eyes definately look like a yellow (yellow eyes).


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I've seen a few fish like this. Some are clearly hybrids and throw fry that are very like electric yellows. Some (diff. line?) seem to breed true.

They are sold as lemon zebs or gold zebs.

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I had a look in Malawi Cichlids in their Natural Habitat at the Ps. barlowi and the males show the blue in the dorsal fin and lack the yellow pigmentation around the eyes. Merjo I know you stated that the shape was wrong is there other reasons why you don't think it is Ps. barlowi?

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i have owned and bred barlowi and e. yellows and neither of them look much like the pic but im guessing hybrid as barlowi dont have the spots but lombardoi do from some that i have seen so id cull it personally but its up to the owner

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Be aware of comparing fish in some of the cichlid books as often the traits of the wild varieties get lost in the breeding program sometimes. I do agree there are some minor irregularities that have me thinking this fish is of poor quality or dubious background, but it has too many of the barlowi features to discount totally, as I can see the dorsal is the only varient as it has little blue and the top stripe is more whitish than yellow. As for spots if you mean egg spots male barlowi often have one or two egg spots (see pic above.)

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I was under the impression that both males and females of this fish were this colour, but I will confirm. If so, it rules out lomardoi sad.gif

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i am 100% certain its not a barlowi, i would bet my short and curlies on it. i had them for 18 months and not one that I owned lacked at least some blue in its dorsal fin.

I think it looks like an estherae, i have seen some going around lately with more of a yellow colour than orange. one went through the mini auction last week that had virtually the same colour as this one and all doing the auction agreed it was an estherae, albeit with unusual colour.

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Im not certain but to me it looks like one of the yellow yellow`s.

Andy if ya really want to see pics of these yellow yellows shoot me a PM and il tell ya whos breeding them, he has posted pics of them before but i just found the post and they have all been removed, im sure he would prob show you privatley if you asked nicley though. thumb.gif Shoot me a PM if ya really keen to find out.... Cheers Andy

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