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How to get Malawis to Spawn


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I have a colony of Ps. Polit which I can't get to spawn. I have other fish in the tank that breed happily.

I have read, at various times, on this forum, tricks that people use to get fish to breed.

I would like some ideas so please tell me how you do have done it ( either scientific or otherwise).

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Lots of small water changes and live food did it for mine. I'd suggest 10% every couple of days and some live brine shrimp. Don't feed much brine shrimp as mbuna don't like alot of protein.


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I would suggest you move them into a tank by themselves. Often I find that just by moving them the fish can be encouraged to spawn.

Another piece of the puzzle is the other fish in the tank. Removing them to a tank by themselves takes away this variable.

If you insist on keeping them there I would condition the fish up as much as reasonably possible (please keep in mind the above warning!!!) and start doing frequent water changes. As a big weather front comes through can often assist.

Matthew... smile.gif

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If they feel intimidated by the other fish they probably wont breed in with them.

Also are they big enough and old enough to breed, and do you have both males and females in there. Other than that , i'd go with the rest and say, water changes and good conditioning tucka.


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I learnt this from a wise old man with a limp over here in WA. LOL.gif

Try not feeding htem for a few days, give em a ncie water change of about 40% and then feed em some high quality food (live brine will work well) about half an hour after water change. See if that can trigger some breeding. Has worked wonders for me.


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Thankyou all for your comments. I will try some of the suggestions.

In answer to some of the questions:

Yes I do have males and female.

Yes they are large enough to breed (I think).


I would move them into another tank if I had the space.

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I am only fairly new to all this, but everytime I do a big water change 40% - 50% my fish breed. At one stage I had about 4 fish holding at the same time about 3-4 days after the water change.

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You can do so much to help them breed, but you cant really make em breed wink.gif

When they want to breed, they breed,

Even if you have a male and a few females doesent mean they will breed always.

Sure, All the other stuff people said helps alot.

Lol but i agree, 40% waterchanges really helps em wink.gif

HTH Daniel

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