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Plant fertiliser


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G`day a couple of weeks ago my plants didn't look to lively, so i went out and pick up some "Aquarium science Plant Food" to give them a bit of a boost. Any way put it in and about 4 days later my tank was covered in alge. The alge was a real thin green like silk alge. It covered everything. it was like a carpet over my gravel.

I was wondering if anyone knows what kind of alge it was and is there anyway of boosting my plants life and colour with out the tank getting covered with alge?

cheers, Will

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Sounds like you are having hair algae explosion in your tank. How many plants do you have in your tank and how much light do you give your plants everyday? To solve this problem, you need to reduce the hours of lighting in your tanks and to do frequent but small water changes to remove excess phosphate.

I'm using "Seachem Flourish" as my plant fertilizer and so far there isn't any sights of algae growth in my planted tank ATM. The available phosphate of Seachem Flourish is only 0.01% out of a 100ml bottle. smile.gif

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No theres no phosphate %. i have about 7 plants in a 3ft tank with the light on for about 10 hours a day. the plants also get covered in this silky alge. the colour is like almost a fluro green.

i might try more frequent changes see if it helps

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Could be blue-green algea, hard to tell with out a picture or better description.

Blue-green algea is more closely related to bacteria and can form a slimy scum on surfaces. It grows very quickly.

Before deciding if your tank needs more nutrients you have to make sure the plants are recieving enough light/ CO2. Have you tested your nitrates/ pH/ hardness. Are they fast growing plants that are going to be able to use the extra nutrients quickly. Anything left over is just food for algea.


Brett rolleyes.gif

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yeh that sounds right about the blue green alge, because it grows real fast and is extremely slimy when i touch it or pull it off rocks and things.

yeh i do have some fast growing plants but i also have alot of slow growing plants, whats the best way to kill blue green alge? does light help it grow?

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Nope they wont eat blue-green algae. I just throw in a tablet of antibiotics (erythromycin) to cure blue-green. Its actually a cyanobacteria, not a true algae. Think i throw about 150mg tablet in my 2ft tank. Its always risky throwing soemthing your not sure of in a tank, so take care if u decide to try the antibiotic approach.

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