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Unwanted Juvies


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Hey all,

Before growing out some RD juvies just to see if I could - I checked with the LFS's in my city (all of them) and only 2 of 6 would take fry from private breeders/hobbyists. Now that I've grown them out, one shop has changed management & won't take them anymore, and the other will only take 10 of them at a time & hasn't sold any of them in the last month!

This has left me with about 15 RD juvies rapidly approaching 7cm in a std 4' tank with no where to put them.

Now, the way I see it my options are:

A) Kull them!! shock.gif which I don't want to do, though I guess I could mince them & feed to the rest?

B) Buy a bloody huge tank/pond - which I can't afford

I've given away as many as I could responsibly as well, given friend's tank sizes.

What am I to do?

Please don't start preaching that I shouldn't have let them breed if I didn't have a plan to get rid of them - I had one & the LFS's have changed their minds.



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This is a common problem people come across when breeding. Theres nothing that can really be done with them except using them for feeders, I dont really see any alternative. I know how this fish breeds and when you live in an area were they are hard to get rid ( not rubbishing Townsville ) theres is usually nothing else you can do with them.

I dont think you can stop them from breeding and I think its pretty hard to stop fish from doing what come naturally.

I also think that its a pretty poor attitude to tell petential customers that you wont buy fish from them if they breed. They could have at least told you that they cant sell them (which is probably more of the truth)

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If you really want to remove these unwanted fish, why don't you just  donate them to those LFS that would take them? That is, just give them away without asking any money from it. ;)

They still won't take them - RD's are as worthless as convicts lets face it. Even free they don't want to know.

Plus, they are too big to feed off alive now (to my fish anyway) so kulling & mincing probably my only option sad.gif

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Thats a crappy situation mate. Perhaps you could ring local schools and see if any of them have a use for them? Perhaps there is an aquarium around that might have a display tank to fill? Do you know any local business that have a tank for them?

I understand that if you cant find a home for them you have to kull them, and whilst it is not pleasant, it is far better than letting them slowly attack eachother to death in a tank far too small for them.

Whatever happens I am sure you will do what is right for the fish.

All the best mate smile.gif

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That's a good idea. I just don't know if wholesalers would be interested in only 15 RD's. Mind you, you could always offer them to the wholesalers for nothing. At least they're not being culled.

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Plus, they are too big to feed off alive now (to my fish anyway) so kulling & mincing probably my only option

If someone has a big Toga or Cichla, Barra, RTC, TSN etc... these would be great feeders yes.gif . Its hard when you cant find homes for your fish.



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