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ZULU take a lookin the classifieds again, theres a couple of people selling peacocks including me, just click on the link in my signature and you will know wat im talking about thumb.gifthumb.gif


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Also the reason maybe no one wants to buy them. dntknw.gif I am trying to sell F1 Aulonocara fry in lots of 10 for $30. I think Ducksta is now using F1 fry as feeder fish. shock.gif So there is plenty out there. thumbup.gif

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If you posted up what you want you may be surprised at who has what.

Eg. I have some Red shoulders - Forts Maguires and some Reginae (spellin?). But I am not advertising at this time.

You will find most of what you are after if you ask. smile.gif

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Yep, I grew out 100 at least F1 peacocks to 4cm+ (some males colouring) when I first bought wild caughts, and sold 18 @ just over $3 each. Since then they have spat in tank and been gobbled up. Shops don't want them without colour so when hobbiests snub them I have nowhere to turn but into the bellies of bigger meaner fish. I gave up, I know quite a few others who bought wild fish from Nigel also don't bother to raise fry anymore.

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Im selling a young colony of F1 Auloncara stuartgranti 'chilumba', one male colouring up nicely. I havent advertised it in the forum because I'm in no hurry to get rid of it. But as other people have said, if you don't ask, you won't know smile.gif

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