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Cichlid doco's


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Just wondering if there are any documentaries brought into the country about cichlids on DVD....where to buy. I have the 'Jewel of The rift' great doco. Looking for more



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If you are a member of the NSWCS then you are able to borrow videos from their library. The library is open during the monthly meetings.


» Our library will help you in many ways! You can find that fish with many of the reference books that are available, there are also magazines and video's that you can use. A small fully refundable deposit is required for all items. The items available at both the Sydney and Wollongong libraries. The librarian will be more than glad to assist.

They have a good selection of videos in the library



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I am a member and I will be going to the next meeting, last time I was more interested in learning the ropes off WaZ and meeting people to worry about the library. But you're right, the facility is there so I should make use of it!

That being said, it might still be nice to start my own collection of books/videos. Theyre just so damn expensive!

Cheers Gerard smile.gif

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I know owning them is the better option but by borrowing them you can at least decide which ones you want. I don't know if the Australian distributor of Cichlid Press products has DVDs or is able to get them. His details are;

John Reeves

79 King Drive

Lancefield, 3435 Victoria

Tel/Fax (03) 5429-1516

It may be worth giving him a call


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I know I have a couple of dvd / cd's at home, maybe packed in boxes ( waiting for house to be built) - but I will have a look.

If I can find them I will give you the names, maybe you could then look them up by name to find a stockist and no doubt they would have others as well.

Cheers Karen

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Ok back again with some info.

I could only find one cd its called

Die Welt der Cickliden which translates to

The World of Cichlids

by Ad Konings.

Its on Malawi and has 4 parts

Lake Malawi

The Fishes



Oh also it does have a few languages, and english is one of them.

The other one I have which I can't find at the moment is quite a good one as well,

From memory it is from an american cichlid association and covers decades of their information, articles etc

I will find it one day when unpacking so if you would like the name of it then pm me your details and I will send it .

Hope thats of some use.

Good luck in your search


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That is called "Cichlids on CD" And it is a collation of all the Buntbarsch Bulletin issues up til mid 1994.

Some of the species names are somewhat outdated now - but it contains masses of information!

It isn't a movie though, it is the magazine's in soft copy. I picked mine up for about $160 probably 5+ years ago. Not sure if it is still being distributed.

I also contacted the AMerican Cichlid Association to see if they were considering preparing a follow up for the next decade but I got told in short, no.

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Yep Ducksta, thats the one,

As you say a wealth of information, I can't remember how long I have had mine for but I would have thought closer to 8 - 10 years maybe? and I do recall it being quite expensive at the time, but how much easier is it to call up a subject on a disc compared to flicking through 100's of magazines - Wouldn't it be nice if a few more magazines etc would take the inititive and convert all there editions to disc..

A dozen or so discs sound so much easier then the bookcases full of books and mags that we accumulate in our hobby over the years.

Cheers Karen

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Yep, I definately prefer it to alot of we based info too, which tends to be altogether conflicting. At least this info, if not entirely accurate is written and published in a respected journal, so it must have some merit wink.gif

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Amazon: The Flooded Forest. is an excellent doco on the wet season in south america focusing on waterlife.

probably the best, most informative doco i've seen.

you wanna know how to set up a south american tank? watch that.

lots of fish species are featured.


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look through the replys in this post i think someone mentioned where to get it, if not i would contact a ABC shop and ask if they have it, if not call channel 10 or something and ask them.... hey it has worked for me.

i'm pretty sure it go's for about an hour maybe longer, although it has been awhile.


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their's a dvd on ebay for sale,just type in cichlid and it will came up,but you have to hurry as it ends at 2:21 on the 2nd of may.its called;

`Your instructional cichlid aquarium guide' by paul talbot.

good luck bidding.

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