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bn: egg membranes


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<H1>egg membranes</H1><DIV id=Qtextbox><P><STRONG>Author: nogo4u</STRONG><BR><BR>Was just wondering why a batch of eggs would have so many clear egg membranes.




Any info would be greatly appreciated.





</DIV><H2>Replies »</H2><DIV id=Atextbox><P><STRONG>Author: Anita ozfish</STRONG><BR><BR>HI Andrew,


well done with the brislenose


In my opinion, it's that they are dud eggs to start with. If they were good eggs and unfertilized, then they would not be opaque but still have a good solid colour but not develop. Your lack of an obvious yolk leads me to think that the egg was no good to start with.


Don't ask me why, but it is quite common - I see a lot of clutches that always have some of these - maybe they were in the developing stage when the female spawned????


Hope this helps

</DIV><DIV id=Atextbox><P><STRONG>Author: nogo4u</STRONG><BR><BR>thanks for the advice Anita



much appreciated




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