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breeding bn

son of cichlid

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i have a pair of bristlenoses which seem to breed every couple of weeks,but i dont know where she is laying her eggs because their in a display tank which is fully dect out with oraments and caves.i've know moved them to a tank which only has rocks and terrocatta caves.i was just wondering if i put a glass plate that measures 11cm diameter and 4cm height upside down with a hole on the side will they breed in that.the plate is also see through if that matters.

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You are better off just using a ceramic log with one end sealed/closed. Stick a few of these around the place and im sure the male will take up residence in one of them, cause as you might not know, its the male that looks after the eggs and fry once they are developed.

P.s, please use the spell checker before submitting your next post. wink2.gif

Cheers, Alan.

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