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Likelyhood of RD daddy killing his son?


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As per title - I've got a few of my RD's offspring in with him atm, one has changed colour already at 2" long (assuming he's male as he's the largest of the brood) - if I grow him up in with daddy & have no females in the tank, how likely are they to be friendly?

They are in a custom tank just under 4x2x2 atm (like 110mm long), I'm thinking of getting them a 5 or 6x18x18 or so - as large as I can get in 6mm basically to move them upstairs (currently under the house & the custom tank although sturdy looks dodgy so the wife won't allow it upstairs).

What are my odds of getting two cool playmates next to my computer desk like this? Tank to themselves obviously!

Just worried daddy will shred son once he gets a bit bigger & resembles a threat



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I would say little to none.

When it comes down to it, your male has always been thealpha male where he is ( I assume) and he is not going to like the approach of a new male, regardless of relation.

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