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Filtration suggestions for a 2' fry tank


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<H1>Filtration suggestions for a 2' fry tank</H1><DIV id=Qtextbox><P><STRONG>Author: paparossco</STRONG><BR><BR>Hi all




I am converting my old tropical 2' tank to a tank for the little 1 - 2 cm juvenlies that have in another tank, or fry if I ever get any

, until they are big enough to move into my other bigger tanks. Currently I have an internal powerhead but I fear that if I use this filter that the little fish will get sucked in and spat out the other side. Being relatively new to this kind of fish keeping any suggestions welcomed






</DIV><H2>Replies »</H2><DIV id=Atextbox><P><STRONG>Author: mbuna1</STRONG><BR><BR>i would sugest an air driven sponge filter or even an ice cream container filter (in the diy section on the scp) You could always put a piece of sponge over the powerhaed intake aswell





</DIV><DIV id=Atextbox><P><STRONG>Author: Little Swimmer</STRONG><BR><BR>i recently picked up a few box/corner filters from the reject shop for $1.99, with filter wool, foam and charcol. these work a treat in my tank

</DIV><DIV id=Atextbox><P><STRONG>Author: slotha</STRONG><BR><BR>I just put a sponge over 2 of my filters. 1 was a cannister and the other a HOB filter. So far i haven't had a prob and i didn't have to wait for the Bacteria either as it was established already

</DIV><DIV id=Atextbox><P><STRONG>Author: c2105208</STRONG><BR><BR>Fry tanks = air driven sponge filter.You can try the corner filters, ice cream container types..



Or if you want something real nice then hit Age of Aquariums above and try out the air sponge filters there. I bought 2 of them and they are great - top quality sponges (rinse out in a small bucket of water from the tank and re-use) and nice looking unit too.



Also sponge filters with the sponge exposed have the added benefit of creating a small accumulation of bits and pieces on the surface that fry sometimes feed from - can't do this with corner filters where the wool is encased by plastic. Just make sure you run two and clean them alternately every few weeks to make sure one retains some bacteria and an accumulation of goodies.






</DIV><DIV id=Atextbox><P><STRONG>Author: paparossco</STRONG><BR><BR>Thanks for all the suggestions guys, I will probably see what my budget (sorry wife) allows me to spend




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