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Guess this disease!


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Which part are you talking about? the red area or the green area?

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if its the red area, its definitely not whitespot. looks like some fungus or bacterial infection. is the gibby rubbing against anything in the tank? what substrate you using?

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red area novafishy, i assume the green areas are his gills :|

its starting to happen to my other Gibby as well...

im using Crushed white marble in the tank, and there is slate and Sandstone in there too.

ill try and get some more pics tonite of it

is there a general anti-biotic anyone can recommend?

tankmates are


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Who says it's a disease in the first place? It could just be a discolouation from abrasion. Was it always there? Or has it appeared just recently.I mean how do you know its not happy? Not eating or swimming around at all would show stress. It is definately not white spot. White spot is exactly as the name suggests....small whitish/silver spots the size of a needle head. In your picture there are other similar coloured discolourations on the head.

IMO I personally wouldnt treat with medication at this stage. I would observe for a few days seeing if it spreads or changes in any way. It may just go away on it's own too. I would only treat if the fishes own immune system is failing. I too have 2 gibi's. I must say Im quite puzzled what made you look under it's mouth in the first place. Since i have had mine I have not even checked their underneath's. They grow well and seem fine for almost 2 years now.... wink2.gif

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im using Crushed white marble in the tank, and there is slate and Sandstone in there too.

I'd probably be starting here as all of these surface have sharp or abrasive edges/surfaces which would certainly irritate Gibbies whose natural habitat includes river stones and timber. I agree with Lv46 and suspect you have a fungal infection due to an abrasive injury. Catties are notoriously sensitive to medication so I'm a bit wary of offering advice. IF IT WAS MINE I would seperate the fish, place in a salt bath for 20 minutes then place in a quarantine tank with some wood and treat with a 1/2 dose of melafix until it cleared. But what you do with your fish is up to you. smile.gif Dunno if I would put it back in the 'sharps' tank though. rolleyes.gif

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thanks for the input guys,

i think ill have to setup another tank over the weekend and isolate the little guy then observe him for a few days.

and Lv246, i only noticed it when he was stuck to the front of the tank smile.gif

you cant help but notice their undersides then!

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I agree with Lv246 i think that the fish has just rubbed up against sothing that didnt agree with him. Look like he just has had a couple of scales knocked of.

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