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First spit and spat a few Dead ones


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My Aulonacara has just spat its first mouthful and I have noticed that there are a few dead ones there, is this common.

Also how many babies should I expect from a female that has just held here first brood?

Also now what should I do in the way of food and water changes??

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For a first brood/mouthfull, i personally wouldnt have expected any to survive. The natural instincts are strong in this one my son!!! lol

Pretty common for there to be minimal survival in first mouthfulls, atleast you know she knows what she is doing and you can expect plenty more from her to come.

As for food, you can use many different recommended foods for fry, have a search through the faq forum and im sure you should come up with heaps of great info.

Cheers, Alan.

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I may have spoke too soon, they are still all still alive but arnt moving around the tank much. Are they normally more active than this and what should I do in the way of water changes for these guys??

Would crushed flake be alright for them??


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  • 3 weeks later...

For a first fry normally u don't even get dead babies with most of my e.Yellows and Maingano's the mother just spat out the eggs after a few days. sad.gif . The breeding guide is also great information thanks for that. thumbup.gif

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